25 September 2008

oh, the insanity

Another reason to dislike McCain: He totally canceled on LETTERMAN!
Letterman seemed to handle the whole thing with grace, which I commend him for. I think it is totally shitty to go talk to Curic over Letterman, as I would rather watch Letterman than Katie in all honesty. I still cannot take the nightly news from Katie seriously, thus why I do not watch the nightly news. I am more ampt to watch Letterman...if it weren't for the Daily Show and the Cobert Report being much more entertaining...But seriously? Suspend the campaign due to the economic crisis? What is McCain going to do? Put on his Superman costume and fly into Washington and save the day? I think not. McCain can save the economy about as much as he can save the world due to his war experience. (Oh, don't get me started on the whole war experience. Just because he was locked in a box for five years doesn't make him capiable of running a war any more than Obama. Now, if McCain was a general rather than just a pilot, this would be another story. He wasn't a General. He was a Navy Pilot. A PILOT. If you're in the AF or Navy, you tend to know the sort of person who becomes a pilot...yeah...I'm done now.)

If McCain flies into Washingon and does start wearing a costume and saving the day, then maybe I will think, "Okay, then its good you stopped your campaign and wanted to suspend the debate." However comma, I do not believe he is going to find a super hero costume and wear it, thus I will go back to the whole: YOU ARE LAME MCCAIN! YOU ARE LAME!

He is lame. End of story.

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