So, evidently yesterday was the first day of fall. Could have fooled me. It was 90 degrees here in the dirt hole. 90 freaking degrees on the first day of fall. Anywhere else I have lived, that would be totally unheard of unless a total Indian Summer was going on. However, the weather is perfectly normal in all other places I have resided in that actually GET FALL WEATHER.
I adore fall. Out of all the seasons, fall is my all time favorite. Besides being born in the fall, getting married in the fall, fall has the best clothes, the best color schemes and the best weather. It is never too cold, but it is not longer hot. I abhor hot weather (hence why I freaked when I found out the weather in the dirt hole...but oh well). I like weather where I can wear a cute sweater vest, long sleeve shirt and blazer and knee high boots and walk around enjoying leaves and crisp air.
The air is not crisp here. The leaves do not do anything except exist here. The air is still hot and heavy. The air is smuggy. Smoggy. The sun still blazes through the clouds and heats the dirt. Butterflies are invading and attacking cars as they drive along. Butterflies are not a fall thing, they are supposed to arrive the SPRING. But nooooo, here they come out in the start of fall and swarm around, staining your car and sticking to your windows and there is NOTHING you can do about it. It is horrid.
I usually wait all year for those few perfect fall days that would grace me where I used to live. Chicago, really, only has two seasosn: Summer and Winter. I hate summer, but winter is okay for the most part. I can still wear lots of layrs, coast and knee high boots and not die of over heating. I have never liked spring for the most part. Allergies kick u

I know think I am broken because last week it was cooler in the dirt hole, like 85 degrees. I got over excited and was like, "ZOMG! IT IS COLD! GET OUT THE LONG SLEEVE T-SHIRTS!" Then, I thought about it and was like, "OH MY GOD I HAVE TURNED INTO ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO WILL WEAR A WINTER COAT WHEN ITS 65!" And I hurried to put back on my short sleeve shirt and shorts. (okay, I hate shorts, so I kept the jeans on.)
Oh, fall, I miss thee.
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