Names of Objects

Here are some "Names" I use in the blog, which you might not know if you're new here.

The Monstrosity
1. The Monstrosity = the Toyota 4Runner.
2. Suzi = Suzi the Subaru, who now lives in Alaska. Forever.
3. Fred = my iPhone
4. Jess = my old Windoz laptop, who is now retired and living out his life in a closet somewhere.
5. Lucy = Current iMac
6. Milo= old iMac, who lives in the guest room closet
Suzi when she loved snow
7. Hewie = second Windoz laptop, currently flying all over the world
8. Hurbert = Pilot Boy's second laptop, who took an extended vacation in Georgia
9. Merv = Pilot Boy's first laptop, who lives in the closet without his battery. He didn't like his battery.
10. Pilot Boy = Husband
Left: Volvo, Right: The Kar
11. Basil Bea Dog = my dog
12. Ireland Scott = me
13. The Kar = my first car. It was never named. It was also given to me on three different occasions: when I got my first internship, when I graduated, and when I got married. Same car, given as a "gift" three times.
14. Poor Volvo = my s40 we got rid of to get the Monstrosity.
15. The Ditch = where I went to high school. It was in a ditch.
Basil Bea Dog
16. The Dirt Hole = a place in Texas I lived for a year. It had a lot of...dirt. And was kind of in a valley, hence the "hole" part. The Dirt Ditch just didn't have a good ring to it, and The Ditch was all ready taken. I did not like the Dirt Hole as it was hot and dusty. And since I am
allergic to cockroaches, my nose was pretty miserable for a whole year.

List will be updated as I think of other things that might be helpful.