13 November 2012

Still Kicking Around

I missed my birthday post. Oops.

I'm 29. I don't remember much about being 19, other than I was in college. I liked college.

The lack of posting is partly due to writing/editing/communing with voices in my head. This is what happens when I have a spurt of creativeness and it eats me alive.

At least I'm getting feedback and people are reading my current project. It's a large undertaking that I will see through. It might take me fifteen years, but I will complete it. I WILL. Mostly because I have been PLANNING.

I know. Odd. Me, planning. Run for the hills.

But, I have EVERYTHING planned out.

And then I realize I am writing...fan fiction...and want to bang my head into the table a few times. But it is so much FUN. Honestly.

Only, I've hit a road block in flushing out the middle of my second story. I have the beginning written and the end. (I have the end of every story I plan to write written for the most part except for six and seven. I know, I know...I'm getting ahead of myself. Especially since I keep CHANGING things.) But I finished the first story and felt so accomplished and had no one to tell, so I'm telling you.

Yeah. You.

Also, I have no idea where I came up with that pen name. Honestly. I should have stuck to my first pen name, but I decided I would keep it separate for...my orignal works that do not start other people's characters so blatantly.

So...that is what I've been up to. Just so you know.