I woke up way too early this morning. For various reasons, one being that at 7 am the William Tell Overture blasted at me, as well as the rest of the whole neighborhood. The other reason I was awake was Sarah Palin. I know, you're wondering why Sarah Palin woke me up at 7 am this morning. Well, actually, she woke me up before that, when at some point I began thinking too much for my own good and really just got mad and thus, couldn't go back to sleep. Due to this being unable to go back to sleep, when the William Tell Overture blasted from the loudspeakers outside somehwere, I did not mind. I had all ready been awake for awhile, screaming in my head about choice.
I decided somewhere in the wee hours of the morning I hate politics. (Okay, truth be told, I decided I hated politics around the time I declaired my major as Political Science.) I hate the fact there are two parties in this country and the whole point of them is to bittle one another it seems. I hate Republicans. For a long time I had no basis for this hate, sort of like my hate for the Dallas Cowboys. To this day I have no idea why I hate the Dallas Cowboys. Yet, today, I decided I do know why I hate Republicans for the most part: many of them are very small minded. I feel sorry for them that they are so small minded. I do not understand how one can allign themselfs so fully to a party. I tend to side with Democrates just because that seems to be where I fall every time I take those silly "what party are you" tests. I am more a moderate than anything. Okay, fine, I will tell you the truth, I am lackadasical. I DO NOT CARE! I know, I know, I should care with every fiber of my being. I should rant, wail, and picket. I realized this this morning as I lay awake being bothered by Sarah Palin.
Why does Sarah Palin bother me? Well, first...where did she get that accent? Seriously, I have met people from Alaska, people who have spent their whole lives there. They do not sound like her. She almost sounds like strange mix of Wisconsin and Minnesotian. I also have met people from Idaho, and they do not sound like her either. Where did she get that accent? Did she make it up? That was the first thing that annoyed me about her.
I did not put much thought into her again, until her daughter Bristol (WHY? She has five kids, and the one with the most normal name is Willow! Track? Trig? Did she hang out with Bruce and Demi? ) turned up pregnant. I know the Republicans. They are all "oh! we need to promote abstience in the schools and not tell the precious children about birth control, condoms, or what sex actually is! it is wrong to cloud their minds!" So, I was sitting in my chair thinking, "Well, doesn't this instance just prove the absidence stance does not work? Teenagers are going to make the choice to have sex whether they are educated on it or not, and it would be better to have them know how NOT TO GET KNOCKED UP wouldn't it? This is my logical thinking on it. Also, I heard all about sex and how not to prevent it and then learned all about STDs and totally FREAKED OUT and had no interest in having sex for the rest of my life. Now, we have a pregnant girl who made the choice to have sex, got pregnant and her mother is all for abstience only education? Did she have this education for her daughter? If so...uh, I think it didn't work. I am very sorry to say this, but it didn't. I do not care her daughter is pregnant, nor do I think that Palin is a horrid mother because her daughter made a choice to have sex, but...uh, its easy to prevent teenage pregnacy...its called birth control.
Another thing that annoyed me about her was her stance on abortion. I know, I know, its a touchy subject. I feel it is a subject that DOES NOT BELONG IN POLITICAL CAMPIGNS. IT IS NOT A POLITICAL ISSUE. WHY IS IT IN GOVERNMENT? WHY DOES IT MATTER HOW A MALE CANIDATE FEELS?! I think abortion should remain OUT OF POLITICAL CAMPAGINS because it is an issue having to do WITH A WOMANS BODY. It is her own freaking choice if she wants one. It should remain how it is because if it doesn't, it will still go on and desperate woman will do desperate things and end up worse off than before. Its happened before and if we go backwards, it'll happen again. I do not understand why Palin is against it in cases of rape and incest. In the case of those two, usually the woman did NOT HAVE A CHOICE and if she ends up pregnant, she should HAVE A CHOICE on what to do about it. (gets off of soap box.)
The other thing that annoyed me had really nothing to do with Palin herself. It was just the whole system of "let's attack the other guy and be little him with stretches of the TRUTH!" When I was a senior in high school, we had to run a political campaign. I was in a group that was in charge of our groups political commerical. We did one of those commericals that smeared the other canidates by pointing out their faults and cracks in their campaigns (like almost ALL commericals do in the real world). My group got a lower grade because we did not PLAY FAIR with the commerical. Huh? Are you kidding me? You tell me this will aid me in facing the real world and understanding the election process, but we can't do the election how THEY DO IT IN THE REAL WORLD? I believe this was the start of my disenchantment with the world of politics, if I truely think about it. Here's the thing, why is it okay to attack Jamie Lynn Spears for getting knocked up, but you can't attack Bristol Palin? Seriously, tell me why. It is totally hypocritical of the media and everyone else involved.
So, those are a few of the reasons why Sarah Palin kept me woke me up this morning.
In other news, after a rain fall to end all rain falls in the dirt hole, the mosquitos are out in force now and eating me alive. My husband swore up and down that there were none out yesterday when we walked to the gym, but I am covered in bites. And I found one trying to attack me this morning while I was watching the news and getting angry at Sarah Palin again for blaming the countries issues on San Franscico. Urg. Free your mind. Move forward in life. Urg.
I will say this for her: she has a good sense of humor (or who ever wrote that great joke for her.)
"What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull," she [Palin] said, pausing for a beat and a smirk. "Lipstick." From, Palin delievers star-turning performace at the RNC, by Tom Raum and Liz Sidoti
Seriously, that was funny. Well, to me (and a few others.)
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