30 September 2008
I totally missed this!
David Radler ran away to Canada!
I always knew he'd wind up in Canada and serve a shorter sentence for being a squirrelly little man that was orange. I wonder if he's still orange? I bet he's not. I bet he is pasty. However, he will soon be out and about, as in Canada he only must serve like 1/6th of his 29 month sentance, so he will be back to being orange in no time, do not worry. I bet he might even go buy some new shoes...or maybe just keept those beat up penny loafers he wore during the trial? Strange man, that one is.
CHANGE! does anyone have any?
Well, the bail out bill flunked (waves arms around in joy). Katie Curic asked the question we've all been thinking "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING IN WASHINGTON?!" She did ask it with a bit more class than that, as she is a prime time reporter and has to be poliet to a point. Though, if I were here and dealing with the people she is, I think I'd just toss it in and start asking questions that are rude and to the point. But I digress....I am not a huge Curic fan, as stated below. I'd rather watch Letterman.
I do not understand the "bailout" plan at all. Why are WE THE TAX PAYERS bailing out the fat cats on Wall Street and the banks that f-ed up in the first place? Hello? WHY AM I PAYING THESE IDIOTS MONEY TO BE IDIOTS? Did no one in Washington ever study economics? If not, they should all get on their over priced planes and go to Beloit and talk to Bob. Seriously, go talk to Bob. The economy will come back on its own. Something will happen to make it go BOOM again. Whether it is an actual BOOM or not, it will come back. While Bush Boy tries through speeches to make us believe we need this stupid plan, I do not think we do. China all ready owns most of our debt (I know, when I first heard this during a Chinese Economy class, I was confused too...how do you buy debt? WHY do you buy debt? I still do not understand, but I've moved on) and we do not need to borrow more money from China...I heard our nice "tax rebates" came from China. I do not remember who told me this, nor where I heard, so do not quote me on that. Anyways, no thanks to Bush Boy, our economy will face painful and lasting trouble, no thanks to him and his cronies. No, no, I do not want your help Bush Boy. I do not want to use my tax dollars to bail out the CEOs and cronies that got me into the mess I am in. Nope. Just let the mess sort itself out. I think the money you want to pour into this issue could be used in a DIFFERENT WAY that would STIMULATE the economy in some way. Why give the money to the dolts who issued morgages to poeple who COULD NOT PAY IN THE FIRST PLACE? That was dumb. It was dumb for the people to take them in the first place. Basically we've had eight years of people being stupid and now we are paying for it. Buck up. Someday we might be smarter and this mess will sort itself out.
Thank god, Washington actually felt us little people. In shocking news...only 65 Republicans stood by Bush Boy in the bail out bill. I know what you are thinking, maybe they're getting the hang of this fact: Bush Boy and his fans are not the smartest tools in the shed. (I know tools are not smart, they are sharp.) Free market did not exactly fail. Free market was aided in failing by the intervention of the government in the first place...because the government sat there going "dohooooo" for eight years and letting it run amoke. By the policies set forth by Bush Boy Cronies we land in this mess. Bush Boy and Cronies is not going to get us out, sorry to break it to you. Move on. Figure something else out that does not use SO MUCH GODDAMN MONEY.
What I really want to see is McCain show up in his super hero suit and save the world. Seriously, that is what I am waiting for. I want to see super hero suits, people. That is the only way we will be saved: super heros.
Anyways, the doonboggle that is the Bush Administration is to blame for this, thus I believe we need CHANGE!
I do not understand the "bailout" plan at all. Why are WE THE TAX PAYERS bailing out the fat cats on Wall Street and the banks that f-ed up in the first place? Hello? WHY AM I PAYING THESE IDIOTS MONEY TO BE IDIOTS? Did no one in Washington ever study economics? If not, they should all get on their over priced planes and go to Beloit and talk to Bob. Seriously, go talk to Bob. The economy will come back on its own. Something will happen to make it go BOOM again. Whether it is an actual BOOM or not, it will come back. While Bush Boy tries through speeches to make us believe we need this stupid plan, I do not think we do. China all ready owns most of our debt (I know, when I first heard this during a Chinese Economy class, I was confused too...how do you buy debt? WHY do you buy debt? I still do not understand, but I've moved on) and we do not need to borrow more money from China...I heard our nice "tax rebates" came from China. I do not remember who told me this, nor where I heard, so do not quote me on that. Anyways, no thanks to Bush Boy, our economy will face painful and lasting trouble, no thanks to him and his cronies. No, no, I do not want your help Bush Boy. I do not want to use my tax dollars to bail out the CEOs and cronies that got me into the mess I am in. Nope. Just let the mess sort itself out. I think the money you want to pour into this issue could be used in a DIFFERENT WAY that would STIMULATE the economy in some way. Why give the money to the dolts who issued morgages to poeple who COULD NOT PAY IN THE FIRST PLACE? That was dumb. It was dumb for the people to take them in the first place. Basically we've had eight years of people being stupid and now we are paying for it. Buck up. Someday we might be smarter and this mess will sort itself out.
Thank god, Washington actually felt us little people. In shocking news...only 65 Republicans stood by Bush Boy in the bail out bill. I know what you are thinking, maybe they're getting the hang of this fact: Bush Boy and his fans are not the smartest tools in the shed. (I know tools are not smart, they are sharp.) Free market did not exactly fail. Free market was aided in failing by the intervention of the government in the first place...because the government sat there going "dohooooo" for eight years and letting it run amoke. By the policies set forth by Bush Boy Cronies we land in this mess. Bush Boy and Cronies is not going to get us out, sorry to break it to you. Move on. Figure something else out that does not use SO MUCH GODDAMN MONEY.
What I really want to see is McCain show up in his super hero suit and save the world. Seriously, that is what I am waiting for. I want to see super hero suits, people. That is the only way we will be saved: super heros.
Anyways, the doonboggle that is the Bush Administration is to blame for this, thus I believe we need CHANGE!
29 September 2008
Not Exactly Typical Chick Flick Type of Movie
There is a major element is missing from The Woman to make it the typical chick flick: cute boys. Seriously, I do not think we see a single male during The Women, till the end when one of the characters, Eddie (Debra Messing), pops out a baby boy.
The movie is what my husband calls the typical Lifetime movie, the male is painted as the reason for all the injustice in a female's life and is the "bad" guy throughout the movie. This is how many lifetime movies go, and this is how this movie is. We never see the males in this movie, but they are the constant topic of conversation throughout the whole thing. The movie starts off with a showing of high heels that are supposed to represent each character. After we get through this, we open up with Sylvie (Annette Benning) and her Hermes Birkin bag. Yeah, I lost track for a long, long, long, long time due to the fact she was toting around a Hermes Birkin bag. I lost track trying to pick out other things during the movie. However, the Birkin bag was the only purse I could pick out right off the bat. I didn't even need to see the Hermes logo on it to know what it was. Thus, I did not pay attention again, until the purse was gone. However, during this time I guess alot happened. Sylvie found out that the evil man in Mary's life (Meg Ryan with out of control hair!) was her husband and sleeping with the purfume spritzer girl downstairs at Saks. Also, we find out that Eddie has about A BILLION KIDS and is going to pop out another one at some point and that whatever Jada Pinket-Smith's character's name is, just happens to be a lesbian and currently going out (or dragging around) a super model who eats napkins. However, this all happens during the whole Hermes Purse Screen Time, thus I was staring at the purse and not paying attention.
Tragically, this purse went away and was never seen again. It was tragic, really. Anyways, the movie goes on, as Mary finds out on accident that her husband is cheating on her with the purfuem sales lady after her father fires her for having "lack of deisgn or something" from his fashion line. She has lunch with her mother (Candice Bergan) and her mother tells her to buck up and go to Maine and leave the dude for a few weeks on his own, he'll come running back. On the way to the air port, the "friend" all find out Mary all ready knows, and they all talk over one another about not being told.
Mary goes to Maine. Husband calls. Slyvie had issues with her publisher (boss) dude and how she is trying ot make her magazine something respectable that does not solely deal with super modles and clothes and sex and revenge. (she fails at all). Mary goes back home and goes to shop for underware at La Perla or something and runs into the hussy there, who is spending and ungodly amount of money on something that will live on the floor. They show off, and Mary walks off and announces she is getting a divorce.
And all hell breaks loose. Mary falls apart. Sylvie realizes she has to sell Mary out to keep her job (Mary is married to a banker who is famous?) Mary finds out that Sylvie did this, they stop talking. I get the feeling the other two ladies (Eddie and Jada Pinket Smith) have no real purpose other than to make noise at some point, as the movie seems to be just about Mary and Slyvie. Well, so Mary falls apart even more now and goes off to a yoga camp or something and does pot, which is not the actual point of the retreat, but she does pot and talks a lot. Sylvie tries to find Mary, but fails. However, Sylive finds Mary's 13 year old kids who is having major issues with the whole dirvoce thing, but no one seems to notice except Slyvie who says, "Call me. We'll talk."
While high on pot, Mary is told by some Hollywood agent who is there for unknown reasons, she needs to be selfish and figure out what SHE WANTS! SELF DISCOVERY TIME! WHOOO!
So, begin the photo montage and the transformation of Mary into a sexy ass older woman. She gets great clothes suddenly, straightens out her hair and decides to start her own fashion line, backed by her mother's trust fund or something. WHAM! MARY IS PUT BACK TOGETHER! And suddenly she notices her daughter is behaving oddly and burning tampons. Mary can't talk about that stuff with her kid, who announces she is going to call Sylvie because she can talk to Slyvie about that stuff. This, upsets Mary who runs off into New YOrk City and hunts Sylvie down.
Slyvie hunting leads to the realization that Sylvie has no job because she quit (she was becoming that sterotypical career woman and she could no longer stand it, so she will start her own magaizne because she used to be a high paid editor who never spent any money on Birkin bags). After fighting in the street (Slyvie throws a banana at Mary, yet the guy manning the cart doesn't seem to care), they start laughing and make up in that typical way that girls do when they are really friends. They start crying on some stairs and try to figure out how to move on. Mary says she missed Sylvie more than her husband and all is well in the world.
Mary's fashion show is a huge hit (it is all black, white and red....) and Saks wants a whole line and some coats for next spring. Mary panicks and we never get a straight answer out of her if she will do it or not. She wants a small line. Whatever. Eddie is going to pop out a baby in a room full of woman, so they have to get moving to the hosptial. Eddie ( who had a billion kids all ready) is very calm, while the other three all panic over and over and over. They reach the hospital, and more bonding enuses. Eddie pops out a boy and they all laugh, cry, and hug one another. The final scenes is they are all sitting on a roof top. Mary takes back her husband while Eddie pops out kid, Sylvie starts her own magainze about old woman, and Jada Pinket Smith publishes her book finally (she was a writer? Did I miss something? Was that established while the Birkin Bag was on the screen?) And I guess Eddie stops having babies because she and her husband (who she cheated on five years ago, but they got over it by having a billion babies!) said they'd stop once they had a boy and her husband has his male heir.
The end.
And only one Birkin Bag seen. Tragic. Also, I cannot seem to find a picture of said Birkin bag. *tear*
The movie is what my husband calls the typical Lifetime movie, the male is painted as the reason for all the injustice in a female's life and is the "bad" guy throughout the movie. This is how many lifetime movies go, and this is how this movie is. We never see the males in this movie, but they are the constant topic of conversation throughout the whole thing. The movie starts off with a showing of high heels that are supposed to represent each character. After we get through this, we open up with Sylvie (Annette Benning) and her Hermes Birkin bag. Yeah, I lost track for a long, long, long, long time due to the fact she was toting around a Hermes Birkin bag. I lost track trying to pick out other things during the movie. However, the Birkin bag was the only purse I could pick out right off the bat. I didn't even need to see the Hermes logo on it to know what it was. Thus, I did not pay attention again, until the purse was gone. However, during this time I guess alot happened. Sylvie found out that the evil man in Mary's life (Meg Ryan with out of control hair!) was her husband and sleeping with the purfume spritzer girl downstairs at Saks. Also, we find out that Eddie has about A BILLION KIDS and is going to pop out another one at some point and that whatever Jada Pinket-Smith's character's name is, just happens to be a lesbian and currently going out (or dragging around) a super model who eats napkins. However, this all happens during the whole Hermes Purse Screen Time, thus I was staring at the purse and not paying attention.
Tragically, this purse went away and was never seen again. It was tragic, really. Anyways, the movie goes on, as Mary finds out on accident that her husband is cheating on her with the purfuem sales lady after her father fires her for having "lack of deisgn or something" from his fashion line. She has lunch with her mother (Candice Bergan) and her mother tells her to buck up and go to Maine and leave the dude for a few weeks on his own, he'll come running back. On the way to the air port, the "friend" all find out Mary all ready knows, and they all talk over one another about not being told.
Mary goes to Maine. Husband calls. Slyvie had issues with her publisher (boss) dude and how she is trying ot make her magazine something respectable that does not solely deal with super modles and clothes and sex and revenge. (she fails at all). Mary goes back home and goes to shop for underware at La Perla or something and runs into the hussy there, who is spending and ungodly amount of money on something that will live on the floor. They show off, and Mary walks off and announces she is getting a divorce.
And all hell breaks loose. Mary falls apart. Sylvie realizes she has to sell Mary out to keep her job (Mary is married to a banker who is famous?) Mary finds out that Sylvie did this, they stop talking. I get the feeling the other two ladies (Eddie and Jada Pinket Smith) have no real purpose other than to make noise at some point, as the movie seems to be just about Mary and Slyvie. Well, so Mary falls apart even more now and goes off to a yoga camp or something and does pot, which is not the actual point of the retreat, but she does pot and talks a lot. Sylvie tries to find Mary, but fails. However, Sylive finds Mary's 13 year old kids who is having major issues with the whole dirvoce thing, but no one seems to notice except Slyvie who says, "Call me. We'll talk."
While high on pot, Mary is told by some Hollywood agent who is there for unknown reasons, she needs to be selfish and figure out what SHE WANTS! SELF DISCOVERY TIME! WHOOO!
So, begin the photo montage and the transformation of Mary into a sexy ass older woman. She gets great clothes suddenly, straightens out her hair and decides to start her own fashion line, backed by her mother's trust fund or something. WHAM! MARY IS PUT BACK TOGETHER! And suddenly she notices her daughter is behaving oddly and burning tampons. Mary can't talk about that stuff with her kid, who announces she is going to call Sylvie because she can talk to Slyvie about that stuff. This, upsets Mary who runs off into New YOrk City and hunts Sylvie down.
Slyvie hunting leads to the realization that Sylvie has no job because she quit (she was becoming that sterotypical career woman and she could no longer stand it, so she will start her own magaizne because she used to be a high paid editor who never spent any money on Birkin bags). After fighting in the street (Slyvie throws a banana at Mary, yet the guy manning the cart doesn't seem to care), they start laughing and make up in that typical way that girls do when they are really friends. They start crying on some stairs and try to figure out how to move on. Mary says she missed Sylvie more than her husband and all is well in the world.
Mary's fashion show is a huge hit (it is all black, white and red....) and Saks wants a whole line and some coats for next spring. Mary panicks and we never get a straight answer out of her if she will do it or not. She wants a small line. Whatever. Eddie is going to pop out a baby in a room full of woman, so they have to get moving to the hosptial. Eddie ( who had a billion kids all ready) is very calm, while the other three all panic over and over and over. They reach the hospital, and more bonding enuses. Eddie pops out a boy and they all laugh, cry, and hug one another. The final scenes is they are all sitting on a roof top. Mary takes back her husband while Eddie pops out kid, Sylvie starts her own magainze about old woman, and Jada Pinket Smith publishes her book finally (she was a writer? Did I miss something? Was that established while the Birkin Bag was on the screen?) And I guess Eddie stops having babies because she and her husband (who she cheated on five years ago, but they got over it by having a billion babies!) said they'd stop once they had a boy and her husband has his male heir.
The end.
And only one Birkin Bag seen. Tragic. Also, I cannot seem to find a picture of said Birkin bag. *tear*
26 September 2008
I've Got a Soap Box and I'm Not Afraid to Use It
Awhile ago I was having a text conversation with my brother, who is uber into politics. I am not sure in all honesty where he got it from, but he is rather passionate about politics and most things political, unlike his sister the political science major. Anyways, so we were texting back and forth about Sarah Palin and other things and I finally got fed up and said, "OMG, will you just IM me? I am not made of texts." So he went home and IMed me and we went on ranting and raving on our soap boxes. During this soap box marathon, one of us brought up the point about how in our last major election Kerry was the guy with the war experience and look where it got him: NOWHERE!
:: gets on her soap box ::
Now, I have the most respect for McCain for being locked in a box and making it out alive. I am not sure how he exactly functions as he does after the horror he went through, as the guys in The Things We Carry weren't locked in boxes and they were falling apart. Anyways, so I understand McCain has some war experience and he's been sitting around Congress for awhile. I get that. Kerry was also in the same war (forgive me, I cannot for the live of me remember what Kerry did other than ride on a pontoon boat or something) and also sat around in political circles for awhile. However, for reasons I did not and do not understand, we re-elected Bush (or actually elected him if you want to be techical about it). So, right now, I do not want to listen to war experience as a reason to elecect McCain as president. Or that his experience makes him the best canidate. Fooie.
Now, the last election I did not follow very closly at all due to the reason I knew I was not going to vote. Yeah, I have never voted. I believe I was the only Political Science major at Beloit who did not vote for things. I did not have a very good reason for not voting for a long time. I just felt I was not informed enough, nor did I care enough to become informed enough. Thus, I felt I should not vote uninformed. So I did not. I only registered to vote due to peer pressure from my 16 year old brother and my mother. I only did this because I knew I would be safely in Scotland when the election hit, so I could just simply advoid their questions at all cost. However, this back fired, as my mother went to vote on election day and told the chick her name and the lady was like, "Oh, are you Ireland?"
My mother's eyes narrowed (well, at least I assume they did) and she said, "No, I'm Maura." She went straight home and wrote me an angry email for not filling out the absentee ballot form my dad sent me. Hey! I was in Scotland and had no printer until it was too late to mail the damn thing back. And I did not have a print card nor the hours to stand in the print que in the library. Plus, after the doonbockale with Gore/Bush in 2000, I KNEW my vote would not matter. I knew IL would go Democratic and that Bush would win. This is exactly what happened. I knew this while I knew nothing about the issues. Thus, I hid in Scotland and was totally embrassed the next day to be shot with questions about the election and why the people of my country re-elected the world idiot. I had no answers for them and just looked like a deer in head lights while they all pelted me in their Scottish accents.
This election...I live in the dirt hole and in solid Republican territory. However comma, I did mail off my absentee ballot from where I came from. Why? Because I'm still registered there. I am still a resident of that said state due to being "in the military." Thus, I will vote there. I am informed this time more than before due to my feelings of agression towards Republicans in general. (ARG! SARAH PALIN!) Also, I feel I understand more about the election process in general. I am wiser than I was four years ago. I feel it is okay to vote. I was not comfortable when I was 18 (even though I don't know if there were elections that year) or during the last election when I was 20 or 21. I think election day was on my birthday that year....the point is, I understand something now. Something I think is important.
I had a friend during the primary who said he felt Obama was sketchy has he was running on CHANGE and this guy did not know exactly what this CHANGE was perse. I have no real clue what this CHANGE is either. I never understand politics in general. What these people run on, will not happen. Stuff will happen, but what campaigns are run on rarely ever come to life. Campaigns are emotional. They are ruled by emotion and fueled by it. If it lacked emotion it would go nowhere and we would not have them. People vote based on emotions towards canidates. Seriously. Its like in grade school: it is a populartiy contest. Having realised this, and the fact Sarah Palin irks me to no end and I want her silenced, I mailed off the ballot request. I am all for this CHANGE, as what is going on sucks. What Obama might do might not be any worse than what McCain would do, and really, I think Obama would work better on the world stage than the old McCain would. And it is a popularity contest. I think Obama is a better popular guy than McCain. Hell, McCain blew Letterman off for Katie! What popular person blows off Letterman for Katie? Ewwwww!
You know, there was more of a point to this rant and soap box post, but I have lost it in my ranting here. Sorry.
:: gets off soap box and goes back to life ::
:: gets on her soap box ::
Now, I have the most respect for McCain for being locked in a box and making it out alive. I am not sure how he exactly functions as he does after the horror he went through, as the guys in The Things We Carry weren't locked in boxes and they were falling apart. Anyways, so I understand McCain has some war experience and he's been sitting around Congress for awhile. I get that. Kerry was also in the same war (forgive me, I cannot for the live of me remember what Kerry did other than ride on a pontoon boat or something) and also sat around in political circles for awhile. However, for reasons I did not and do not understand, we re-elected Bush (or actually elected him if you want to be techical about it). So, right now, I do not want to listen to war experience as a reason to elecect McCain as president. Or that his experience makes him the best canidate. Fooie.
Now, the last election I did not follow very closly at all due to the reason I knew I was not going to vote. Yeah, I have never voted. I believe I was the only Political Science major at Beloit who did not vote for things. I did not have a very good reason for not voting for a long time. I just felt I was not informed enough, nor did I care enough to become informed enough. Thus, I felt I should not vote uninformed. So I did not. I only registered to vote due to peer pressure from my 16 year old brother and my mother. I only did this because I knew I would be safely in Scotland when the election hit, so I could just simply advoid their questions at all cost. However, this back fired, as my mother went to vote on election day and told the chick her name and the lady was like, "Oh, are you Ireland?"
My mother's eyes narrowed (well, at least I assume they did) and she said, "No, I'm Maura." She went straight home and wrote me an angry email for not filling out the absentee ballot form my dad sent me. Hey! I was in Scotland and had no printer until it was too late to mail the damn thing back. And I did not have a print card nor the hours to stand in the print que in the library. Plus, after the doonbockale with Gore/Bush in 2000, I KNEW my vote would not matter. I knew IL would go Democratic and that Bush would win. This is exactly what happened. I knew this while I knew nothing about the issues. Thus, I hid in Scotland and was totally embrassed the next day to be shot with questions about the election and why the people of my country re-elected the world idiot. I had no answers for them and just looked like a deer in head lights while they all pelted me in their Scottish accents.
This election...I live in the dirt hole and in solid Republican territory. However comma, I did mail off my absentee ballot from where I came from. Why? Because I'm still registered there. I am still a resident of that said state due to being "in the military." Thus, I will vote there. I am informed this time more than before due to my feelings of agression towards Republicans in general. (ARG! SARAH PALIN!) Also, I feel I understand more about the election process in general. I am wiser than I was four years ago. I feel it is okay to vote. I was not comfortable when I was 18 (even though I don't know if there were elections that year) or during the last election when I was 20 or 21. I think election day was on my birthday that year....the point is, I understand something now. Something I think is important.
I had a friend during the primary who said he felt Obama was sketchy has he was running on CHANGE and this guy did not know exactly what this CHANGE was perse. I have no real clue what this CHANGE is either. I never understand politics in general. What these people run on, will not happen. Stuff will happen, but what campaigns are run on rarely ever come to life. Campaigns are emotional. They are ruled by emotion and fueled by it. If it lacked emotion it would go nowhere and we would not have them. People vote based on emotions towards canidates. Seriously. Its like in grade school: it is a populartiy contest. Having realised this, and the fact Sarah Palin irks me to no end and I want her silenced, I mailed off the ballot request. I am all for this CHANGE, as what is going on sucks. What Obama might do might not be any worse than what McCain would do, and really, I think Obama would work better on the world stage than the old McCain would. And it is a popularity contest. I think Obama is a better popular guy than McCain. Hell, McCain blew Letterman off for Katie! What popular person blows off Letterman for Katie? Ewwwww!
You know, there was more of a point to this rant and soap box post, but I have lost it in my ranting here. Sorry.
:: gets off soap box and goes back to life ::
25 September 2008
oh, the insanity
Another reason to dislike McCain: He totally canceled on LETTERMAN!
Letterman seemed to handle the whole thing with grace, which I commend him for. I think it is totally shitty to go talk to Curic over Letterman, as I would rather watch Letterman than Katie in all honesty. I still cannot take the nightly news from Katie seriously, thus why I do not watch the nightly news. I am more ampt to watch Letterman...if it weren't for the Daily Show and the Cobert Report being much more entertaining...But seriously? Suspend the campaign due to the economic crisis? What is McCain going to do? Put on his Superman costume and fly into Washington and save the day? I think not. McCain can save the economy about as much as he can save the world due to his war experience. (Oh, don't get me started on the whole war experience. Just because he was locked in a box for five years doesn't make him capiable of running a war any more than Obama. Now, if McCain was a general rather than just a pilot, this would be another story. He wasn't a General. He was a Navy Pilot. A PILOT. If you're in the AF or Navy, you tend to know the sort of person who becomes a pilot...yeah...I'm done now.)
If McCain flies into Washingon and does start wearing a costume and saving the day, then maybe I will think, "Okay, then its good you stopped your campaign and wanted to suspend the debate." However comma, I do not believe he is going to find a super hero costume and wear it, thus I will go back to the whole: YOU ARE LAME MCCAIN! YOU ARE LAME!
He is lame. End of story.
Letterman seemed to handle the whole thing with grace, which I commend him for. I think it is totally shitty to go talk to Curic over Letterman, as I would rather watch Letterman than Katie in all honesty. I still cannot take the nightly news from Katie seriously, thus why I do not watch the nightly news. I am more ampt to watch Letterman...if it weren't for the Daily Show and the Cobert Report being much more entertaining...But seriously? Suspend the campaign due to the economic crisis? What is McCain going to do? Put on his Superman costume and fly into Washington and save the day? I think not. McCain can save the economy about as much as he can save the world due to his war experience. (Oh, don't get me started on the whole war experience. Just because he was locked in a box for five years doesn't make him capiable of running a war any more than Obama. Now, if McCain was a general rather than just a pilot, this would be another story. He wasn't a General. He was a Navy Pilot. A PILOT. If you're in the AF or Navy, you tend to know the sort of person who becomes a pilot...yeah...I'm done now.)
If McCain flies into Washingon and does start wearing a costume and saving the day, then maybe I will think, "Okay, then its good you stopped your campaign and wanted to suspend the debate." However comma, I do not believe he is going to find a super hero costume and wear it, thus I will go back to the whole: YOU ARE LAME MCCAIN! YOU ARE LAME!
He is lame. End of story.
23 September 2008
Fall Arrives in a Heat Wave
So, evidently yesterday was the first day of fall. Could have fooled me. It was 90 degrees here in the dirt hole. 90 freaking degrees on the first day of fall. Anywhere else I have lived, that would be totally unheard of unless a total Indian Summer was going on. However, the weather is perfectly normal in all other places I have resided in that actually GET FALL WEATHER.
I adore fall. Out of all the seasons, fall is my all time favorite. Besides being born in the fall, getting married in the fall, fall has the best clothes, the best color schemes and the best weather. It is never too cold, but it is not longer hot. I abhor hot weather (hence why I freaked when I found out the weather in the dirt hole...but oh well). I like weather where I can wear a cute sweater vest, long sleeve shirt and blazer and knee high boots and walk around enjoying leaves and crisp air.
The air is not crisp here. The leaves do not do anything except exist here. The air is still hot and heavy. The air is smuggy. Smoggy. The sun still blazes through the clouds and heats the dirt. Butterflies are invading and attacking cars as they drive along. Butterflies are not a fall thing, they are supposed to arrive the SPRING. But nooooo, here they come out in the start of fall and swarm around, staining your car and sticking to your windows and there is NOTHING you can do about it. It is horrid.
I usually wait all year for those few perfect fall days that would grace me where I used to live. Chicago, really, only has two seasosn: Summer and Winter. I hate summer, but winter is okay for the most part. I can still wear lots of layrs, coast and knee high boots and not die of over heating. I have never liked spring for the most part. Allergies kick up, the weather gets warmer and you cannot wear your favorite sweater or dark colors. Also, for a long time I was rather bitter and unlucky in the romance section, thus I hated spring as it seemed in the spring couples came out of hiding or something. Ironically, I fell for my husband in the spring and for the longest time thought I was broken because I actually enjoyed spring. Thus, since finding this man, I have enjoyed spring to a point. As long as the tempreature remained under 65 degrees, I loved spring.
I know think I am broken because last week it was cooler in the dirt hole, like 85 degrees. I got over excited and was like, "ZOMG! IT IS COLD! GET OUT THE LONG SLEEVE T-SHIRTS!" Then, I thought about it and was like, "OH MY GOD I HAVE TURNED INTO ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO WILL WEAR A WINTER COAT WHEN ITS 65!" And I hurried to put back on my short sleeve shirt and shorts. (okay, I hate shorts, so I kept the jeans on.)
Oh, fall, I miss thee.
16 September 2008
The End of An Era...the start of a new one?
So, today, while tooling through Google News, I found out that MTV is canceling TRL. Here were my reactions, in no particular order:
1. TRL? People still watch that?
2. TRL is still on the air? Isn't it illegal to play music videos on Music Television?
3. It is about time they threw out TRL. No one knows anything about music on MTV any more anyways. They should just stick to what they know: bad reality shows.
4. I cannot believe TRL was on for 10 years.
5. God, I am old! I remember when TRL was NEW AND EXCITING AND YOU JUST HAD TO WATCH TO FIND OUT IF N SYNC OR BACKSTREET BOYS WAS NUMBER ONE! I remember when the Carson Daly era began!
6. Best freaking headline out there. Cause, really, did anyone even know TRL was still on the air?
7. Where did Carson Daly go?
8. What the hell is FNMTV? And why does Pete Wentz get to host it? Did anyone notice he can't sing?
9. Oh, wow, FNMTV plays music videos. Does it play them in full or just in snip its like TRL did after it became uber popular.
10. God, that annoyed me about TRL. I just wanna see the videos in their full glory, not just five seconds of it. I waited all day for MTV to play music videos and now you tell me you're going to play five seconds of it? Or not all all? God, whatever.
11. I wonder what happened to that world music station that I used to watch? I used to watch Fuse, but they sold out on me like MTV and VH1 did.
13. Wasn't I thinking about TRL before? How did I get on Pop Up video?
14. God, I am so freaking old. I watched Pop Up Video the other day and the "new" videos were like from 1997.
15. I cannot believe TRL outlived Pop Up Video!
16. Why is MTV kidding itself that it's going to "rest" TRL? MTV doesn't play music videos. Hell, Disney Channel plays more videos than MTV does.
17. Eminem isn't dead? Wow. Where did he go? Did he run off with Carson Daly?
18. I wonder how much more life the VMAs have in them? Especially since MTV doesn't actually PLAY MUSIC VIDOES IN THEIR FULL GLORY NO MORE.
19. Wait a second....this whole FNMTV sounds a lot like the orginal TRL....
"Starting in November, new and viewer-tested videos will continue to have a home on the Pete Wentz-hosted FNMTV, featuring a pretaped combo of videos and in-studio performances, which had a successful 15-episode run on Friday nights this summer," Natalie Finn, E! Online
20. I am old. I ACTUALLY remember when MTV ACTUALLY played music. And that was ALL THEY did. I watched music videos on MTV when I was BORN.
11 September 2008
Listen up!
So, I finished two projects since I began my sewing projects...one is what it should be, the other wast turned into something else because I gave up and figured it would make a better shirt. But whoo hooo! I finished the dress I set out to make over a month ago!
Here to the right is where I managed to sew the skirt of the dress to the neckline of the dress. I know, I am very talented. Look amazed! Now!
The dress was easy to make, mostly because I had made it before, it had just turned into a shirt. But that is life. I still did not follow the patter exactly as it said, because sometimes I think it was written in Greek or something and then translated into English.
In other news, I was surfing around over priced purse websites and discovered the following: RED PURSES! I have been dreaming of a plainn red leather purse for years. I have no idea why I was unable to find one, but they just did not seem to exist. And I was just looking at Luna Boston's selection of Rebecca Minkoff purses and found that the mini Nikki (right) and Morning After Bag Mini (left) both came in RED! Oh, if only I had the money to buy one! But alas, it out the range currently. Tear.
In other news, the dirt pit was going to be hit by a hurricane, but the hurricane failed to show up (which is the case with most weather that tries to find the dirt pit, it gets lost on its way here!) For about less than 24 hours I thought I might be stuck with lots of rain, but it seems the rain wants to go else where and not create mud and streams out of the streets.
The dress was easy to make, mostly because I had made it before, it had just turned into a shirt. But that is life. I still did not follow the patter exactly as it said, because sometimes I think it was written in Greek or something and then translated into English.
In other news, I was surfing around over priced purse websites and discovered the following: RED PURSES! I have been dreaming of a plainn red leather purse for years. I have no idea why I was unable to find one, but they just did not seem to exist. And I was just looking at Luna Boston's selection of Rebecca Minkoff purses and found that the mini Nikki (right) and Morning After Bag Mini (left) both came in RED! Oh, if only I had the money to buy one! But alas, it out the range currently. Tear.
In other news, the dirt pit was going to be hit by a hurricane, but the hurricane failed to show up (which is the case with most weather that tries to find the dirt pit, it gets lost on its way here!) For about less than 24 hours I thought I might be stuck with lots of rain, but it seems the rain wants to go else where and not create mud and streams out of the streets.
05 September 2008
Its a Ranty post, watch out...
I woke up way too early this morning. For various reasons, one being that at 7 am the William Tell Overture blasted at me, as well as the rest of the whole neighborhood. The other reason I was awake was Sarah Palin. I know, you're wondering why Sarah Palin woke me up at 7 am this morning. Well, actually, she woke me up before that, when at some point I began thinking too much for my own good and really just got mad and thus, couldn't go back to sleep. Due to this being unable to go back to sleep, when the William Tell Overture blasted from the loudspeakers outside somehwere, I did not mind. I had all ready been awake for awhile, screaming in my head about choice.
I decided somewhere in the wee hours of the morning I hate politics. (Okay, truth be told, I decided I hated politics around the time I declaired my major as Political Science.) I hate the fact there are two parties in this country and the whole point of them is to bittle one another it seems. I hate Republicans. For a long time I had no basis for this hate, sort of like my hate for the Dallas Cowboys. To this day I have no idea why I hate the Dallas Cowboys. Yet, today, I decided I do know why I hate Republicans for the most part: many of them are very small minded. I feel sorry for them that they are so small minded. I do not understand how one can allign themselfs so fully to a party. I tend to side with Democrates just because that seems to be where I fall every time I take those silly "what party are you" tests. I am more a moderate than anything. Okay, fine, I will tell you the truth, I am lackadasical. I DO NOT CARE! I know, I know, I should care with every fiber of my being. I should rant, wail, and picket. I realized this this morning as I lay awake being bothered by Sarah Palin.
Why does Sarah Palin bother me? Well, first...where did she get that accent? Seriously, I have met people from Alaska, people who have spent their whole lives there. They do not sound like her. She almost sounds like strange mix of Wisconsin and Minnesotian. I also have met people from Idaho, and they do not sound like her either. Where did she get that accent? Did she make it up? That was the first thing that annoyed me about her.
I did not put much thought into her again, until her daughter Bristol (WHY? She has five kids, and the one with the most normal name is Willow! Track? Trig? Did she hang out with Bruce and Demi? ) turned up pregnant. I know the Republicans. They are all "oh! we need to promote abstience in the schools and not tell the precious children about birth control, condoms, or what sex actually is! it is wrong to cloud their minds!" So, I was sitting in my chair thinking, "Well, doesn't this instance just prove the absidence stance does not work? Teenagers are going to make the choice to have sex whether they are educated on it or not, and it would be better to have them know how NOT TO GET KNOCKED UP wouldn't it? This is my logical thinking on it. Also, I heard all about sex and how not to prevent it and then learned all about STDs and totally FREAKED OUT and had no interest in having sex for the rest of my life. Now, we have a pregnant girl who made the choice to have sex, got pregnant and her mother is all for abstience only education? Did she have this education for her daughter? If so...uh, I think it didn't work. I am very sorry to say this, but it didn't. I do not care her daughter is pregnant, nor do I think that Palin is a horrid mother because her daughter made a choice to have sex, but...uh, its easy to prevent teenage pregnacy...its called birth control.
Another thing that annoyed me about her was her stance on abortion. I know, I know, its a touchy subject. I feel it is a subject that DOES NOT BELONG IN POLITICAL CAMPIGNS. IT IS NOT A POLITICAL ISSUE. WHY IS IT IN GOVERNMENT? WHY DOES IT MATTER HOW A MALE CANIDATE FEELS?! I think abortion should remain OUT OF POLITICAL CAMPAGINS because it is an issue having to do WITH A WOMANS BODY. It is her own freaking choice if she wants one. It should remain how it is because if it doesn't, it will still go on and desperate woman will do desperate things and end up worse off than before. Its happened before and if we go backwards, it'll happen again. I do not understand why Palin is against it in cases of rape and incest. In the case of those two, usually the woman did NOT HAVE A CHOICE and if she ends up pregnant, she should HAVE A CHOICE on what to do about it. (gets off of soap box.)
The other thing that annoyed me had really nothing to do with Palin herself. It was just the whole system of "let's attack the other guy and be little him with stretches of the TRUTH!" When I was a senior in high school, we had to run a political campaign. I was in a group that was in charge of our groups political commerical. We did one of those commericals that smeared the other canidates by pointing out their faults and cracks in their campaigns (like almost ALL commericals do in the real world). My group got a lower grade because we did not PLAY FAIR with the commerical. Huh? Are you kidding me? You tell me this will aid me in facing the real world and understanding the election process, but we can't do the election how THEY DO IT IN THE REAL WORLD? I believe this was the start of my disenchantment with the world of politics, if I truely think about it. Here's the thing, why is it okay to attack Jamie Lynn Spears for getting knocked up, but you can't attack Bristol Palin? Seriously, tell me why. It is totally hypocritical of the media and everyone else involved.
So, those are a few of the reasons why Sarah Palin kept me woke me up this morning.
In other news, after a rain fall to end all rain falls in the dirt hole, the mosquitos are out in force now and eating me alive. My husband swore up and down that there were none out yesterday when we walked to the gym, but I am covered in bites. And I found one trying to attack me this morning while I was watching the news and getting angry at Sarah Palin again for blaming the countries issues on San Franscico. Urg. Free your mind. Move forward in life. Urg.
I will say this for her: she has a good sense of humor (or who ever wrote that great joke for her.)
"What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull," she [Palin] said, pausing for a beat and a smirk. "Lipstick." From, Palin delievers star-turning performace at the RNC, by Tom Raum and Liz Sidoti
Seriously, that was funny. Well, to me (and a few others.)
01 September 2008
Complete, Oh the Joy!
1. I actually totally finished sewing something! And I adverted disaster by changing up the design and getting rid of a zipper and now it functions as a shirt...it was supposed to be a dress, but let us not dwell on that...
2. After running around in circles and getting nowhere for eight years, my father finally figured out the issue with our cell phone carrier: they think he works for corporate. Like he is a huge big wig. Alas, this is not true.
3. After getting totally leaked on the internet and Stephanie Meyer deciding to just pick up and quit, I decided not to read Midnight Sun and just read this. It was highly enjoyable, just like all the other Twilight recaps she's done. In the future, when I have a huge craving to get into Stalker Edward's head, I might settle down and read the whole thing on Meyer's website. However, currently I'm all emo-ed out.
4. I finished reading My Antonia. I thought I would hate the book, as it was a classic and I have a hard time reading classics on my own. I do not believe I have read one that was not an assigned book in my whole life in all honesty. But I read this one, and I have to day, I liked it. I'm a sucker for historical fiction to begin with, so it was easy for me to get lost in the Nebraska outback. The only thing I thought the book lacked was a tie up at the end. The title character marries some guy, pops out a load of children and cries a lot. I figured when I began the book she died. Tragically, she did not die. I believe only one guy died in the whole book. For some odd reason, I was looking for death, after being sorely disappointed at the lack of death in Breaking Dawn.
5. I totally spent four hours out in the sun and DID NOT GET SUN BURNED! I have totally conquered the sun.
6. I did watch the Democratic Convention. I do not have a lot to say about anything. It was pretty much what I expected. I did like the Cobert Report and the Daily Show's take on the whole thing. I think I have become one of those totally apathetic people in life. We'll see if the Republican Convention does anything to upset me. If it fails to do so, then I know there is something wrong with me and I must go jump off a cliff or something. This did amuse me: Assessing the Political Impact of Bristol Palin's Pregnancy. Maybe she's having issues because her name is Bristol? And what possessed the woman to name her other kid Trig? Does she have the same complex I have with having a common name? I mean, I got a lot of crap when I went through the stage I liked Cincinnati as a name...for a story character.
2. After running around in circles and getting nowhere for eight years, my father finally figured out the issue with our cell phone carrier: they think he works for corporate. Like he is a huge big wig. Alas, this is not true.
3. After getting totally leaked on the internet and Stephanie Meyer deciding to just pick up and quit, I decided not to read Midnight Sun and just read this. It was highly enjoyable, just like all the other Twilight recaps she's done. In the future, when I have a huge craving to get into Stalker Edward's head, I might settle down and read the whole thing on Meyer's website. However, currently I'm all emo-ed out.
4. I finished reading My Antonia. I thought I would hate the book, as it was a classic and I have a hard time reading classics on my own. I do not believe I have read one that was not an assigned book in my whole life in all honesty. But I read this one, and I have to day, I liked it. I'm a sucker for historical fiction to begin with, so it was easy for me to get lost in the Nebraska outback. The only thing I thought the book lacked was a tie up at the end. The title character marries some guy, pops out a load of children and cries a lot. I figured when I began the book she died. Tragically, she did not die. I believe only one guy died in the whole book. For some odd reason, I was looking for death, after being sorely disappointed at the lack of death in Breaking Dawn.
5. I totally spent four hours out in the sun and DID NOT GET SUN BURNED! I have totally conquered the sun.
6. I did watch the Democratic Convention. I do not have a lot to say about anything. It was pretty much what I expected. I did like the Cobert Report and the Daily Show's take on the whole thing. I think I have become one of those totally apathetic people in life. We'll see if the Republican Convention does anything to upset me. If it fails to do so, then I know there is something wrong with me and I must go jump off a cliff or something. This did amuse me: Assessing the Political Impact of Bristol Palin's Pregnancy. Maybe she's having issues because her name is Bristol? And what possessed the woman to name her other kid Trig? Does she have the same complex I have with having a common name? I mean, I got a lot of crap when I went through the stage I liked Cincinnati as a name...for a story character.
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