08 July 2010

The Earth Moves

Yesterday, I watched the nightly news. This is a big deal because 1) I hate the news and 2) I do not watch news. I am not sure why I watched it last night instead of finding something else to watch, like I usually do, but I watched it.

They talked about a breaking news story: an earthquake in California. I was like, uh, okay. We've had strong ones here I slept through, like that first big one we had that I felt, but thought was the heater. I was like, okay.

Then, two hours later, I was sitting on my bed reading and suddenly I thought the bed was going to fall apart. It went on for a few seconds, rattling empty hangers and the bed. Then it stopped. The only evidence it was there were the swinging robes and hangers. I went on the internet right away and couldn't find anything. The Alaska Earthquake site wouldn't load. I finally went on the USGS site and got some answers. We had had a 5.0 one, per the USGS.

I bet that didn't make the national news. Not that I would have known, due to the fact I was upstairs, reading in bed and had no desire to turn the TV on to find out. And I over slept this morning, so I missed the morning new shows, which I do watch as they do not actually tell me much news. So I can stand them.

As my dad told me when I got called up for jury duty and was chosen: "You're intelligent but woefully uninformed."

I tried to be informed for awhile, but it was too much work.

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