It is now 2009. 2009 is the year I will leave the dirt hole. Thus, 2009 will be a great year.
2008 was not all that bad in general. I had a friend once tell me the way you ring in the new year is how your year will go. She told me this the year after we had been in the UK together, in Glasgow, Scotland for New Years. She claimed she had been "on the move, always running" since she was in the UK and traveling. I meanwhile, was heart broken. I spent my year heart broken, I came to realize at that moment. I rang in that year asleep, if you want to be techincal, as I was in Santa Monica and did not make it to midnight. However, my state of mind was one of flux that day. I was in this strange state that year. I was graduated in May, had to find a job, had to grow up and was having issues with a boy. I had also just realized I had spent the last year heart broken and viewed my trip to Santa Monica as an escape from any problems I was having.
I am not sure I spent 2006 running away from my problems. I spent the first few months rather unhappy, but then I met my husband. He is rather wonderful, thus the year ended well. I was SO HAPPY on New Years Eve of 2006. I spent a majority of 2007 happy. I went off and got married, moved into a new life and everything was going swimingly. I had road bumbs, drama and some down time, but for the most part since my husband walked into my life I have been happy. Each year ends and I think, "Oh, that was a good year." I thought that yesterday. I was really happy, as far as I could tell nothing horrid had happened in 2008. I was pretty happy, I had a few low moments, but nothing like I used to have. I have never truely hit the same sort of lows I used to. Sometimes I feel listless, but not like I used to. The only issue with 2008 was I came to the dirt hole. With the exception of the fact it is a dirt hole and I hate dirt, its not that bad. The people I associate myself with are great and for the first time since I graduated from college I feel like I have a social life outside my husband, which I have come to realize I need at times.
So, all in all 2008 was a pretty good year.
I slept through the transition between 2008 and 2009. Just like I did with 2007 to 2008, I believe. I don't think I stayed away, I might have. But I know my husband was fast asleep. But he usually is. He does not see many midnights.
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