08 April 2011

Down Dog

Work Out Post....

This week I've been doing mostly yoga. I discovered, randomly of course, that Netflix had YOGA instant watch programs! By Crunch! I kind of like Crunch yoga, even though the DVD I own kills me dead when I do it. But, they had this nice one called Candlelight Yoga. Anyways, I discovered this a week or so ago. I had been doing REALLY WELL doing the whole Walk Away the Pounds DVD, but was getting kind of board. My friend R turned me onto yoga in the Dirt Hole. We took a class once a week at the gym. I really liked it. I figured I wouldn't because even as a child I could not touch my toes.

I am that inflexible.

I still cannot touch my toes without a major knee bend, but I love how I feel after I do yoga.

I just have issues finding yoga dvds that get along with me. I do not like INTENSE yoga, as I do yoga when I want to feel relaxed. The Crunch DVD I won never relaxes me and I feel like I ran ten miles after I am done, and I CANNOT RUN. Also, Downward Dog is my enemy.

I am serious.

We have never been friends. Ever.

I think I have really weak wrists or something, as if I do Down Dog too many times, or for too long, my wrists seer in pain. For days. I usually collapse into child's pose during long periods of Down Dog.

Candlelight Yoga only has one or two Down Dog poses, as it's whole goal in life is to teach you to relaaaaaaaaxxxxx. It even does the best shoulder stretch known to man. Which is a total plus in my book. If you ever want to try yoga, or are curious, start with this Candlelight Yoga, available on Netflix Instant. Also, the instructor on this DVD is awesome. She is not annoying. Also, I've done this workout like ten times and each time I don't find myself thinking OMG, which happens with a lot of workout DVDs I do multiple times. (If I did not need the rhythm of the music, I'd mute Walking Away the Pounds.) This instructor's voice is relaxing. And even after multiple uses, even when you know what it is coming, it isn't super annoying to be told to move through the positions. It's almost like BEING at a class.

Now, I am NOT PREGNANT, but I did try out the Crunch Yoga Mama work out. Why did I do this? I was 1) curious and 2) plan to someday pop a kid out. It is on Nextflix Instant, so I gave it a try. It is pretty good too. I hate the instructor though, she is annoying to me. Also, due to the fact I have no bun in the oven, I was kind of annoyed by all her belly talking. Because I cannot commune with my bun. There is nothing there except fat. I don't really want to talk to fat. But, it is not super intense, but it's more involved than Candlelight. ALSO, because pregnant women can get carpel tunnel, I was finally shown a way to relieve the stress on my wrist during down dog. A towel placed under the hands. OMG. BEST THING EVER. Also, there is a less intense way to down dog and still stretch the back or whatever down dog is supposed to do. So I LEARNED SOMETHING. I mostly see this Mama Yoga as a alternative to the Candlelight when I feel more worky outy. Also, when I get knocked up, I can use it...if it stays available on Instant. I wouldn't buy it because the instructor annoys me.

In other news, I weighed myself for the first time since I began GET BUTT IN GEAR. One pound. Yeah, one pound. And my jeans are still kind of tight, but the good news is I FEEL BETTER. As in, I feel like I can actually maybe hike with Pilot Boy and NOT DIE a horrible death when faced with a HILL.


Spiffy Riki said...

To this day, I can't touch my toes either. Never been able to, probably never will be able to. Damn hamstrings are too tight.

ireland scott said...

Stupid hamstrings. Mine are still really tight, even though I've been working on them for almost two years.