16 October 2010

Back on the Mac Wagon

When I was born, there was an Apple computer in my house (or I think there was, there was one when I was a baby, I know that). I have always lived in a house with an Apple computer. I had no clue how to use a Windows computer till I was in high school. I only learned because my dad bought one in case he had to join the real world again and find a job. (He did not, but he did have to know how to use a Windows Machine.)

I went off to college without a computer. I don't remember why we all thought I did not need a computer, but for some unknown reason, we all thought I could just use the computer labs. Least to day, the first week I was there, most of the computer labs were closed and after they were open, it kind of sucked going to the computer lab and saving things to hard disks (yes, we still used disks back then). I began my campagin for a Mac. I told my dad I wanted an iPod.

Yes, I wanted an iPod. However, to me the iPod was the pod like Mac I had seen on the website. He wrote me back asking if I had meant the iMac. He sent along a picture. And I said, "Yeah, the pod one."

He was confused on why I did not want a laptop. I do not remember why I did not want a laptop either. I wanted the pod computer. So, for parents weekend, they appeared with the pod computer and I loved it dearly.

Then I went to Scotland. Pod (later named Milo) and I could not travel to Scotland as we traveled to Beloit. (Milo traveled in a clothes basket. I am serious. He traveled in a clothes basket surrounded by blankets and sheets and my robe. He traveled like that to St. Louis and then Del Rio. He traveled without the basket to Alaska, but was packed in with his blankets and sheets.) Naturally, i wanted a MacBook to take to Scotland. However, my father could not fathom paying for a MacBook that I'd use for two years and need a new one. Somehow, he talked me into getting a Dell computer with the promise of getting me a MacBook for graduation.

He claims not to remember that promise. Least to say, I did not get a MacBook for graduation. They gave me a car which they had all ready given me. They later gave me the same car after I got married. Yes, they gave me the same car three different times. Anyways, so the Dell Laptop remained me with till this past winter when, poor Jess got very old. I got him in 2003. He lived to 2009! It was much longer than anyone thought he would live, as he was always kind of...special. He went to Scotland and behaved (other than not wanting to import a McFly CD and then refusing to connect to the University internet...) but once he came home, he began to act funny. He basically acted like a moody teenager for the rest of his life. My dad rebuilt Jess a few times, added a new hardrive and memory at one point when Jess refused to run Photoshop (a new harddrive and memory was cheaper than a new laptop at the time.) I finally decided Jess had to go when he REFUSED to run Photoshop and I needed to run Ireland Scott Designs. I ended up having to use my brother's computer to edit my photos and build my banners. Jess, it became clear, was not up to the challenge of running anything in general. The weekend it took him three days to back himself, it was clear new computer was needed.

After much research and looking at laptops, I gave in and decided I'd just get another Windows laptop, as the kind I wanted in windows was 200 dollars cheaper than a MacBook. So I got Hewie the HP Laptop. He crashed and died six months ago and went off to HP Land to be fixed. He returned and I found out I am missing a ton of stuff I thought was backed up, but it vanished into the nether world. Major sad face.

Pilot Boy came with his laptop (Merv) and Merv kinda died around the same time Jess retired. Merv did not all out die, just refused to operate with a battery, thus he was usable to be a laptop. Merv was also super slow, so we got Pilot Boy a net book after he decided he really did not want an iPad. Pilot Boy then parted with his net book (Hubert) when the backpack Hubert was in was driven off without Pilot Boy in the state of Georgia. Now, because of Pilot Boy's job, he leaves a lot and needs a laptop when he leaves. So, we once again began looking for a new computer.

At some point, Pilot Boy decided he liked Macs and did not hate them. He decided we needed a Mac in our lives (even though he hates iTunes). From a price point, an iMac made more sense than another laptop, as in reality, we do not need two laptops. So, I told him he could take Hewie off with him flying all over the world (it'll be an exciting life for Hewie), and I'd keep the iMac with me here at home.

The only thing, I don't think this new version of the iMac will travel well in a clothes basket....

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