Felt a rather large earthquake this morning. I was in bed. It was a 4.6. I felt the house shake and things move. I heard things moving around. However, due to the nature of my sleep state, I simply thought the heater had turned on. Or Pilot Boy had built another fire...which was what woke me up yesterday. The loud popping of the fire place. I thought the house was exploding. My dog, Basil Bea, did not make any noise during this earthquake. Though, when I got up about a half hour later, she did not bolt out of her crate as she has been doing.
In other news, I have allergies. For a few years now, I have been trying for the life of me to figure out why I am forever purple under my eyes. When I was in college, I figured it was due to lack of sleep. However, since we moved to the Dirt Hole, I know for a fact I get enough sleep most nights. But the dark circles are still there. So, I began to try eye cream after eye cream. Nothing worked. I had tried DHC's Eye Bright, which honestly did nothing at all. I liked what the Q10 Eye Cream did, but the dark circles were still there. I then bought Burt's Bee's Radiance Eye Cream and used it for almost three months. Nothing. At all. Recently I have been using a sample of Ole Henricksen Visual Truth that I got with my Oily Skin Sample set I received with my last Sephora order. I like the fact it smooths that area of my eye and the little lines I have been noticing seem to be going away. But the dark circles are still there. I had tried everything I could think of, even using buying concealer to put on the dark spots.
But even using Boi-ing by Benefits (which I LOVE AND ADORE for covering up pimples and as an eye shadow base), they were still there. I know this because yesterday I went to see the doctor about my sinus issues and he announced, right away, he could tell I had sinus issues because of the dark spots under my eyes. Something about the blood vessels that are under there and their relationship to my messed up sinus passages.
Thus, I guess I should hold off on buying an eye cream until I get these allergies taken care of. I do have enough eye cream samples to hold me over a while. It is amazing how long I can eek out of a sample.
In shop news, I still have to fill out the form for the shop for Alaska. I have been trying to get back into sewing. So far almost all my projects have gone haywire. I have a feeling the universe is out of order or something.
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