What I managed to do yesterday in relation to my current profession:
I cut out a purse and ironed the pieces.
This was all I did due to the fact after I finished I could barely stand to stand. I know that sewing the thing together would have required me to sit down, but I was also sweating a lot, so I figured I should go take a nap and maybe it'd all go away.
For the most part it did go away, other than my sinus headache, which I've had on and off today, so all I've done today is re-take pictures. Which I should go load onto my brother's laptop and cut them down to size and redo all the purses I've recently put up for sale.
Will I do this? More than likely not.
My mom and I ordered some stuff form this scrapbooking place online. I need a new blade for the paper cutter, as the blade on the on I found in the drawer of the room I live in needs a sharper blade. Somehow we managed to order blade scorers, not cutters. Not good. The site doesn't have any blades, just the odd score thing. The rotary cutter my mom ordered wont' cut cloth and barely cuts paper. It totally butchard the picture I tried to cut with it. The dull blade on the paper cutter is better. My dad gave me his old photo paper cutter he had for his dark room, which hasn't been used since 1992, thus its covered in rust and dust and has to be cleaned. It is also huge and I usually scrapbook in my bed. I know, not the best place, but I'm not one of those crazy scrapbookers. I just stick thing on the page in a haphazard way. Then I stick some stickers on sometimes. When I was on my game, I stuck random objects I had saved in the book, but so far that has only worked when I went to Scotland.
I've been doing more research on the whole going to Alaska in the winter thing and am thinking the ferry looks like a really good idea. I'm not sure its such a steller idea for Basil, but then again, she spends roughly maybe 8 hours a day in her crate when not barking, then about 12 at night in there. The 8 hours during the day is of her own free will. We've been closing the door so she won't hang out in there, but she's been super smart and nosing the door open. We try to keep her out of there at night because once she goes in there after she eats, she won't come out to go potty, which is an issue.
I ordered jeans from Victoria Secret. Finally. I got 34s because that was all they had, but I really need 32s to wear flats (or heels....it seems). They are a little long, but they fit. They are a size smaller than all the shorts I ordered because the shorts are all falling down. Least to say, my butt looks nice in the new jeans, especially when I've got my super heels on. I've also been surfing through White House Black Market looking at dresses. I'm not sure who runs their site, as there's always a bunch of dresses that they don't have any or they show up in the size searches when there are none of the dresses. I am confused. Last weekend I went with my dad to the mall and I hit up WHBM to see if they had the dress I wanted in my size. They only had a size 0. My dad told me to just try it on.
And I did.
I got it zipped up all the way till I hit my boobs. The waist fit. The lower hips fit. My boobs were just too big. Seriously, my boobs were too big! I knew they were huge. Well, huger than they used to be. I needed about another two inches of material around the bust area. I was so shocked. I stood there staring at myself wondering what was going on. The other dress I ordered back in teh dirt hole was a six. The boobs were a little big, so I thought I'd need a four. I never ordered it because I didn't like the dress all that well, but this dress I loved. It was gone from online when I went to look later that day. Then it appeared again last night. Only they only had a size 8. Then it was on there this morning only they did not have any sizes. Now it is gone.
Thus I have become obsessive in my search of the site for dresses. They don't seem to have any in a size two, which is what I'd need I think.
I think I might be wasting away. I'm not sure why. I don't have a gym to go to any more and I seem to eat more here simply out of boredom. I'm not sure what is going on.
Well, that is all.
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