19 November 2009

Rain, wipers and pressed rawhide

The past week has been rather cloudy and rainy here. On Monday, I ventured out to mail off my first international shipment (yay!), then to buy new wipers for the "new" car. My husband didn't think it needed new wipers and I knew they sort of were bad, but I thought they were okay. Well, while I was on vacation, my mom and my brother drove the car and complained heavily about the wipers, so I went to get new ones. Just to get them all to shut up and leave me alone.

Normal car stores don't sell wipers for s40s. I have to go to the dealer or some speciality store to get them.

Uh, no thank you.

So I came home (after ramming my knee into the auto shop door on my way out), and cleaned the wipers. I thought they were okay. Then I drove. In the rain.

They were fine at first. Then, as it rained more and I drove more, they began to suck to the point I could not even pretend I could see. I could not pretend. I had to pray I didn't crash. It was bad.

It was epic bad.

So, I came home and said I was going to order new ones.

Instead I went to the pet store. This only makes sense if you know what happened after I came home and annoucned I was going to buy new wipers. First, my mom was thrilled. Then went to get Basil B Dog a greenie. She was running low. Earlier that day, she had run out of "waste" bags. So I needed to go buy those. So I made some comment about needed those and greenies.

This excited my mom as she needed a Turkey and the local PetsMart is located near the food store that sold the kind of turkey she wanted. Also, I learned, my mother likes the pet store.

So instead of buying wipers I bought: a new collar, greenies, pressed rawhide bones, kitty litter and dog food. At the food stores we got: a turkey, pudding, organic lemonade, cheese, orange juice with calcium, lemons, pasta sauce, pasta, ice cream, and chipolte powder. I have been dying for chipolte powder since I got here and discovered the house failed to have any. I just kept forgetting to get it. But I've got it now.

Basil B Dog enjoys her pressed rawhide bones.

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