04 November 2008

Pull the shutters tight

Election day is upon us. Tomorrow, the world will change!

(Never mind it changes every minute of our lives, but tomorrow there will be CHANGE)

Four years ago, when Bush was re-elected (or elected for the first time) I was in Scotland, stumbling around while people kept asking me about the election. The day after the election, I do not think I had been noticed more. Suddenly, I was a glaring American beacon who would tell all what America was thinking and WHY they re-elected (or elected for the first time) an idiot. I had no answers for them, as I had not voted, much to the dismay of many. I did not care, I knew who would win and I knew it did not matter what I did. As I stated before, I was pretty right about the whole thing.

This election, even thought I still felt my vote had little count to it, as I know IL will go Democratic, I still voted. Just because I HATE SARAH PALIN. I know this is a LAME reason to vote, but it is why I went out there, went through the hassel and voted.

And now I am advoiding election news at all costs. My husband as watched the weather channel (they predict if it rains, the Republicans win) and the morning news. Later he was on some news website and looking at maps. I ignored him during these points of time by reading books. Now he is at work, and I have watched DVDs and cable TV that will not tell me any news. I find it is best not to expose myself to election coverage. I did not the last election, and actually did not find out who had won until I think maybe lunch. They were not sure at that point still, but it looked as thought Bush had won. By my last class of the day, they sure were Bush had won, and I was the center of attention.

I wonder if Kerry had won, if I would have been the center of attention?

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