05 November 2008

I rock, I roll, I forget to stop




In other news, I hate close minded people. Some folks my husband works with stated yesterday that people living in the dirt hole should not be allowed to vote as they will vote Democratic, not Republican. WHO CARES IF THEY ARE DEMOCRATS! EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO AND CAN SHOULD VOTE, DAMN IT. How stupid are people? I never heard in my life a person say that "Oh, so and so shouldn't vote because they are Republican." Never. I have heard people say people shouldn't vote because they are stupid, but not based on what paper they are affiliated with. I have only heard close minded people make such comments, and sadly they usually associated themselves with Republicans. WHY?! Why in this day and age are people still making stupid comments like that?

Urg. The other thing is that people in the dirt hole speak Spanish, some of them that is the only laungage they speak. Thus, these close minded people went on to tell my husband that when these Spanish only speaking people show up to vote, the people working point at McCain and tell them to mark that one. This upset me (and a few others) for an array of reasons. One, only US citizens can vote. If you are not born here, to become a citizen one must speak English to a point. Usually better than I speak it, but I digress. They would be able to tell the difference between McCain and Barack. The other thing, which D pointed out to my husband and I, is that while he cannot speak a word of Spanish, he can read names. He can tell the difference between one name from the other and knows who they are. Thus, someone who spoke Spanish and showed up to vote, would know WHO THEY WANTED TO VOTE FOR AND wouldn't be SO STUPID as to FALL FOR THAT ILLEAGAL TRICK.

God, I hate it here. Please, please can I go back to civilization? To my little liberal cocoon? I miss my liberal cocoon. Seriously, where did all these close minded, idiots come from?

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