07 January 2011

Doggy Smell in my Nose

Basil just emerged from her crate, so she smells very strongly of...dog. I do not know how to cease the doggy smell about her, as I clean her, her crate and everything around it, but no matter what, within an hour or two, she smells like a dog again. Due to the fact I have a sinus headache and have since last night, her doggy smells is highly annoying. She is not, her smell is.

We figured out why she was shedding up a storm: she was dry.

Like her skin was dry, not she was dry from lack of water to drink. Anyways, we started her on these Doggy shed control vitamins and try to brush her more, and she is softer and less of a shedding wonder than she was before. She loves her Doggy Vitamins too...sometimes that is all she will eat for the first hour or so she is up. I am sure my dog would eat anything I put in her bowl as long as its flavored with something. She loves her heart worm meds and when she had worms, she loved the pill I gave her for that to. She was so pleased with herself after she ate it...it didn't work, but as far as she could tell, she had just gotten a really special treat for no reason!

We had a "warm spell" these few past days (or weeks, time blends into one big blur at times) and the snow melted, reminding me why I hate spring: it is ugly. When the snow melts, this place isn't pretty any more, it is just dirty and gross. I like it when snow clings to the trees. I like when there is so much snow it doesn't look black. When it melts, everything you've forgotten about shows up. Like dog poop.

The only positive thing this has led to, is that Basil Bea poops in the same area now all of a sudden: under the tree. We can only hope it remains this way, as this makes for easier pick up when one must mow the lawn.

Also, we have confirmation that the large hole in our front yard's snow drift was indeed a moose. As the snow melted, we found a pile of moose poop in our front yard. Again. So a moose did decide to take a nap in our front yard at some point. And eat my dead flowers. that were poking through the snow. Hopefully they will grow back, because that was one of those annuals I paid big bucks for at Lowes.

In shop news, I'm trying to figure out what bags to make for spring still. The bags I made in the winter are winter/fall bags, so I decided I won't fight with the sun and my house to photograph them for the shop till this summer. So, since the new year, I've only been renewing items. I still can't figure out if its worth it to renew the paper items, as I think I have renewed them to the point where I am paying someone to take them away from me (which would be fine, as I need to get rid of them.) I did discover a tragic flaw in the paper bags which I must fix. The ones I made with glue fall apart. Well, the bag doesn't fall apart, the paper I stuck to the front falls off when an item is in the bag. Totally lame. I knew there was a reason I did not like glue.

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