31 January 2011

Weekend Adventures for Basil Bea

After finding out he was not going to Hawaii this weekend, Pilot Boy decided he was going to ski from Russian Jack Park to Earthquake Park. There is actually a trail that goes that far through the various parks of Anchorage. He did not ski down Northern Lights. Which is a street. That you and the crazy people of Anchorage drive down. The crazy people of Anchorage usually only cross country ski in parks. (Though I have seen people skiing down the sidewalk on Turpin Road/Street.) But, he did not want to ski out to Earthuqake park and then back home. So, I dropped him off and then loaded Basil Bea Dog into the Monstrosity and drove her to her favorite park in the whole wide world.

And then she went NUTS.

First, I locked her in the trunk because she hopped into the car and went into the trunk. So I put the middle seat up and left her back there. She wasn't sure what to do about this, but she was like, well, okay. Then, we pulled into the parking lot of the park and she saw her BOY! AND SHE WENT INSANE. She twirlled, whined, flipped over. Then I let her out and she REFUSED to put her leash on. I was like, "You are not leaving this car till you get this on, DOG."

"You think so? Fine. Put the chain around my neck. Good? Okay, later."

And out she went. I did not realize the leash was not attached to her chain. So I went running after her while Pilot Boy loaded his skis into the car. After I got her leashed we stood around for awhile while Pilot Boy put his boots back on and then....Basil Bea....saw....other...dogs.

Lots of dogs.

So what did she do?

She sat down and made lots of loud crazy noises. I am not sure how to discribe them as they were somewhere between talking and whining and something else. It was a very unique noise. So, when Pilot Boy was ready to walk, SHE PULLED ME DOWN THE SNOW LADDEN WALKWAY TO THE DOGS. Making this strange noise the whole way.

The dogs and Basil all sniffed one another's butts, then I was like, "Okay, you said hi. Let's go. We're walking, not playing."

The other dogs were not on leashses (even though it clearly states your dog must be leashed, but most people in Anchorage do not seem to leash their dogs) so they followed us down the path, sniffing and barking at Basil, who was like OVERLOAD!

She pretty much made vocal noises for the rest of the trip, had hissy fits when other dogs did not pay attention to her (one dog was chasing after his owner on skis and paid no heed to Basil Bea). She danced through the snow, dove head first in a few times, and tried to make all dogs pay attention to her. After a short walk (Pilot Boy was cold due to the fact he was sweating to death), we loaded Basil Bea into the car and she sat in the seat (Yes, she sat in the seat. Like a person would sit in a seat. This is how she rides in the car since the issues we had at Thanksgiving. It is like she knows if she doesn't sit still I will LOCK HER TO THE SEAT.) and was smiling the whole way home. Then she danced around the house all evening.

Yesterday, Pilot Boy made pull pork for dinner. Basil was fed dinner around the same time we were eating. Basil Bea eats...oddly for a dog I guess. First, she usually sits while she eats. And she has NEVER eaten quickly. She usually eats pretty slow for a dog. Unless she's stressed or excited, but usually she's just NOM NOM NOM. Anyways, she also has this strange habit of taking a bunch of food into her mouth, walking to a different location, dropping it carefully and then eating it. Hit repeat a few times and then she sits at her bowls and eats. Well, we were making our pulled pork sandwiches and I was going to toss a small bit into her bowl (she was being a good puppy). Pilot Boy did it first, as soon as she had backed up with a bunch of food in her mouth.


She simply dropped the food from her mouth as quickly as possible and dove head first into her food bowl to get the tiny piece of pork. There was dog food all over the kitchen floor, rolling everywhere. Pilot Boy and I laughed, as it was the funniest thing we'd ever seen. I had not realized when she sat down a mere six inches from her bowl, she had a mouth full of food. I thought she was waiting for her piece of pork. Nope. Later, after she licked her bowl clean, she looked around, took a drink of water, then realized "HEY THERE IS DOG FOOD ALL OVER THE FLOOR! BEST DAY EVER!"

She then cleaned the floor of the exploded puppy food.

All in all, Basil Bea seemed to have a pretty good weekend.

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