20 December 2010

Watch out...

Dear Post Office,

Why do you after tracking numbers? For the past month or so, anything I get or send out with a tracking number NEVER shows anything till the bitter end. This means there is no way to TRACK anything.  Did you know this? Everything just shows "Electronic information received." Which is totally helpful.

This whole thing used to show when it was scanned when it arrived at the post office, telling me the post office HAD THE PACKAGE. Next, it'd tell me when it left the first post office. Now, since I live in Alaska, it usually went through Seattle, before going where ever else it was heading. Then it reached the main post office in its destination, and then it went to the local post office and finally it went out for delivery.

I know this still happens, because duh, that is how boxes move from point A to point B, but your SCANNERS DO NOT WORK. I sent out a box 5 days ago, and it stills says "Electronic information received."

Thanks Post Office.

Get your act together, Post Office. I'm paranoid you LOST MY PACKAGE. People I sent things to are PARANOID I DID NOT SEND THEM.

So, please fix your scanners. Or do something. Or don't offer tracking. Just tell us, "Well, we're poor and broke, so we threw out the scanners, so no more tracking. Sorry."

Then it'd be like in the old days where you just had to hope and pray you got the box you wanted....

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