24 December 2010

Happy Christmas

Its techically still Christmas Eve here in Alaska, but I won't have time tomorrow to post a holiday post, so here is my post for Christmas.

Basil loves snow.

Yeah. I took her over to S's house for Christmas Eve (because without any prompting S said I could) so I packed up my puppy in her red sweater and took her over there. After dinner (which Basil was PERFECT PUPPY) we headed downstairs. After making the sniffing rounds, she began to whine. So I asked, "Do you want to go outside?"


I asked S if she had a fence and she assured me she did. So, I put Basil Bea out on the deck. Basil was unsure what to do. She sniffed the deck, but because she couldn't find the stairs, she had no clue how to get into the yard and she did not seem to want to jump. She came back to the door, so I put my boots on and S grabbed a shovel to clear the stairs, as she seemed to think I was evil to toss Basil into the huge pile of snow that is their back yard.

I went out and tossed Basil in. S stared in amazement as Basil ran around in pure joy.

"She looks...happy," S said, sounding amazed.
"She is. I told you she loves snow."

Basil danced around and then came back over to me and got into play mode. S had the best type of snow too: fresh, untouched snow. That is Basil's favorite kind.

"You weren't kidding. She loves to run in the snow," S commented.

After Basil did her doggy business, we came back in and Basil was READY to play. She also was finally in an area with carpet so she could run and play. No one, though wanted to play as we were watching a movie. Basil calmed down, went to bed, and fell asleep.

Moral of the story: Toss the puppy in the snow for the holidays. She will think it is THE BEST PRESENT OF ALL TIME.

Nothing makes Basil happier than fresh snow and being tossed in. I am serious. She loves snow drifts. And loves shoving her head in the snow.

She is zonked out behind me right now and I think she has the right idea.

Happy Christmas and Merry Holiday All.

Oh and do not forget that tomorrow at 9/8c DOCTOR WHO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL.

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