17 January 2015

the world is wide

My favorite episode of Doctor Who happens to be "Closing Time." While my Doctor might be David Tennant, my favorite episode of all time is "Closing Time." And not just because I had the song by Semisonic stuck in my head each time I happened to either see the title, hear it, or think about it. No, I actually like the episode because I think it's well done. It's funny, serious, there's a baby, and Craig is awesome. My favorite lines of the show still stem from "Utopia," but overall, "Closing Time" is my favorite episode.

Speaking of "Closing Time," I happened across this post on Facebook today. I read the whole blog post before watching the video, but like the author, I thought the song was about the bar closing and getting kicked out. And while fifteen year old me had never set foot in a bar, I still loved the song. I taped it when it was on the radio and played it over and over-- no where near like how I hit repeat on the Backstreet Boys or 'N Sync, so my dad is likely to know all the lyrics, but I am able to recall them easily enough to sing it in my mind when I see "Closing Time."

So, I watched the above video. I stared at Wiggles (who spent most of the time I was trying to watch it on VOLUME SETTING LOUD), laughed, misted up, and then proceeded to go download the song. Because, even thought 15 year-old me loved it, 15 year-old-me failed to have iTunes (due to the fact it wasn't invented yet).

It does make me wonder how many other songs that seem straight forward are not what we think. (I know many of the songs I like are sometimes not about what I think. And sometimes the words are even wrong. It breaks my heart that "Adam's Song" is not  The dream is over, I've survived but rather The tour is over, I've survived. Makes me glad I didn't contribute that quote to them on my yearbook senior year. Mostly because I didn't have room if I wanted my own name on it. Turns out, it was a quote by myself, as I'd heard the lyrics wrong.)

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