05 January 2015

No Time.

In the eight months I've had Wiggles in my life, I have learned one thing about her: she doesn't nap consistently.

Take this morning. It's our first morning home after being gone for two weeks. For two weeks she had no schedule. Why? Because between her and various relatives, no schedule I wished to put in place would work. So, when she began to get cranky at 10.30, I pushed her through till 11, fed her, bottled her, put her to sleep. She went happily. I figured I had two hours to exercise, get some things I need to returned done, and then I'd eat.


It's an hour an half since I put her down and Wiggles is up and around, screaming.


No clue. She's never napped properly. Some days, I get a three hours nap, sometimes I get a half hour. Some days, she refuses to nap at all. I honestly thought this didn't start till she was older, but she's been doing this since we left the hospital.

So, I was going to do a nice long blog post about my year or something, but I can't. Because she woke up.

I also didn't get my returns processed because the post office is being stupid.

An unexpected error keeps happening and they refuse to take my money.

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