23 February 2011

Loud and Clear Jeans, I HEAR YOU.

Hey. I have been here a year.

And once again, I'm ten pounds heavier.

So, all the weight I managed to shed this summer returned. Blast you winter hibernation.....

So, once again, I am standing here wondering why none of my jeans fit right. Damn jeans. Why can't you just grow along with me?

I do not want to buy  new jeans. I hate buying new jeans. Or anything for my bottom half. I like shirts. And shoes. Oh, those go on your bottom half. Well, I like shoes and socks, but anything between my waist and my ankles, I dislike buying things for. Hence why I have a billion shirts. And shoes.

Handbags always fit. That is why I make them. They always fit.

Anyways, since I hate the gym here with a flaming passion, I can't run to save my life (seriously, if I had to run to save my life, I'd die. Because I cannot run), and it is always cold and no one plows around here, I think I'll have to start doing those Walk Away The Pound DVDs my mom gave to me because she didn't like them. The only downside to them, the last time I religiously used them (Before I got married), my knees always hurt. Between walking two miles a day to the court hours (YAY CONRAD!) and then walking away the pounds at night, my knees were killing me. Then I bought new shoes that were too small (DAMN YOU NIKE!). Anyways, I have good shoes now...my knees haven't hurt when I do workout here, so I guess they still have some way to go...

Why am I telling you this? Because, I am going to try something new to maybe keep myself going. Every day I manage to work out, I'm totally going to post and tell you. If I fail to do this at least three times a week, please yell at me. Because while I hate gyms, if I work out with others, I am more apt to do it. (Like in college! E made me go. Someone was COUNTING on me. I think I was simply broken in the Dirt Hole when I managed to go to the gym three days a week.)  So, tomorrow, I plan to put my fancy work out clothes on and Walk Away The Pounds for one mile (20 minutes). We'll work up from there because....I....am....out...of...shape. But at least sometimes I can breathe.

Goals: Fit into Jeans Right. There that is my goal. No weight goal, just FIT INTO JEANS goal. Well, I can fit into them, I just can't breathe properly for the first hour they are on my butt. My goal is to fit into jeans. Or pants. I do wear other things other than jeans. My mini skirts are still fit...and might not be too big...I haven't worn them in awhile. IT IS COLD. It needs to be at least 30 to wear a mini skirt.

So GO! (You can workout too. And then tell me if you want. Or not. BUT I AM TELLING YOU.)


Spiffy Riki said...

I hate buying things for my waist-to-ankles portion of my body as well. Shoes rock. Socks are awesome. Pants suck.

I really should get back into working out, too, but with work, school, and trying to have any kind of social life, I'm too tired to exercise! :-(

Scott said...

I blame all those smores we ate.

ireland scott said...

Spiffy: You could count walking your dog? I'd count walking my dog...if I walked her...which I sometimes do...but not often enough. Or, going up and down the stairs. I have little excuse to work out as I don't have an actual job, I don't go to school and I have no social life of any sort. I should be working out daily as I have the time, just no motivation.

Scott: damn smores.