24 February 2011

Operation Jeans Day One

So, I worked out.

So, GO ME.

I did exactly what I said I was going to do. I can't remember if I said I was going to get up early (I didn't) but I did do the 20 minute, 1 mile walk on Walk Away the Pounds. I used to do this video a lot when I was working. It took 20 minutes and I got a mile in. I'd do it after dinner, before I took my nightly shower. I never felt like I was getting a good work out when I was 22, as I was never winded or sweaty when I was done. My half hour on the elliptical I did when i worked at the bank was better, but after working 8 hour days doing mindless computer work, I couldn't handle getting on the elliptical. So I'd just do this 20 minute walk. It is totally mindless at times. At times it's not because you have to pay attention because you're moving your arms and legs in "non" walking ways.

First, there are side steps. What are those? You step side to side to the beat of the music. Then, the leg lifts, which are like...extreme marching. They really work your butt and abs, but are killer on knees. Especially when you're holding 2 pound weights. (Which I did not do today because 1. I am out of shape and 2. I have no clue where they went when I moved here. I have the 5 pound ones, but those are too heavy.) I like the kick backs the most, which is the side step where you kick your leg backwards. The last thing are kicks, which you just kick forward. I like those too. I like kicking.

By the time I was finished with this 1 mile "walk" I was winded, my heart was beating faster and I was sweaty. Either I had the heat on too high or I am SUPER out of shape. Or it was the fact during the first half mile I couldn't actually breath out of both nostrils as my Zyrtec didn't kick in till after a half mile. I can breathe now, thankyouverymuch.

I feel like I got a good work out. Which is a change from when I used to do this video. I will do it again tomorrow. Because, I said three days this week and there are only two days left this week. Oops.

Now, in order to loose my middle, I also need to alter my diet. I'm not good at this, I admit. I've tried "eating healthy." I have tried counting calories. I have tried eating only at meals. I've tried eating small meals five times a day. None of that worked. Counting calories drove me nuts. And I began to cheat. I also cheat when I write down what I eat daily. The only thing that really "worked" was when I did the "yoga diet" over the summer.

What was this?

I bought this book called the "yoga diet." Which told you to eat two large meals and one smaller one. Eat around the same time each day and drink warm water. And do yoga. It also gave recipes and basically said to eat organic.

I didn't do the organic part. I couldn't find half the thing listed in the book for the recipes, but I worked with what I had. This was how I learned to make Thai Pad. My own way. I ate that a lot over the summer. I tried to eat smaller meals and not stack on high sugar items. I also never bought these things or juice. I had orange juice, but that was all I drank. I also drank soy milk for most of the summer, till I decided I hated it, and went to Oragnic Milk, which DOES taste different than Regular milk.

Then Pilot Boy came home and my whole diet went to pot. Why? He likes snacks. He buys them. He likes meat. He makes the dinner because he thought I was weird. He also makes fun of me for drinking hot water (that habit stuck. I LIKE IT.) And he drinks too much OJ and milk to buy organic stuff. Seriously, he like inhales OJ. So, when he came home, I began counting calories. That lasted till the holidays when I just gave up.

My problem also is that I like baking. I love cookies. I love crumbles, and I love cake. And I like making these items. On the yoga diet, I made a lot of crumbles and I tried to make pancakes. (They were HORRIBLE.) When I was counting calories, I did an extra lot of stair climbing to burn off my goodies.

I also love cheese.

Anyways, I have yet to decide what I am going to do for the whole "diet" part of this Operation Jeans. I'm pretty good at eating three meals a day. I'm pretty good if I am busy not snacking. I'm bad at eating meals at the same time daily. Very bad. I also tend to not eat dinner...when Pilot Boy is gone. Because I kind of just give up by the end of the day because....I hate cooking. Mostly because when you cook, you use pans and unlike mixing bowls, those cannot be tossed in the dish washer.

I will drink warm water. And I will try to eat more veggies and fruits (I'm very bad at this. Mostly because I don't like many veggies and I don't like buying fruit. I don't know why. I just hate buying fruit.) Maybe this will help? Balanced meals? I suck at those too.

Well, need to do something besides walk one mile, sit through an earthquake and have a dream where all these snow melted over night.

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