07 May 2010

Allergic to Cockroaches

Today, I went to the allergist. I have been having massive sinus headaches for years now and it has gotten to be too much. So, the doctor and I figured we should figure out what I am allergic to, so I went to see a different doctor.

I'm allergic to mold and cockroaches. Two things that aren't really prevalent in Alaska.

They tested me for 45 things, and I only really reacted to mold. My reaction to cockroaches was minor, while the mold was major. So, seeing I am not allergic to anything "out of the ordinary" the doctor figures I need a cat scan to figure out my sinus issues.

The shop is reopen and getting hits. I finally finished making a purse and tried my hand at making my own labels. The first batch didn't go too well. I need some liquid seam stuff. I left my bottle at my parents house.

This has been the longest week known to man.

I do not understand twitter. I'd leave if I didn't print it on my business cards. Oh well.

Well, I guess I should go let the dog inside. She's outside in all her glory. She's no longer afraid the back yard. She got bit by a icky bug and was rather timid about the whole back yard for awhile. She seems to have forgotten about it.

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