28 June 2009

what the world is coming to

So, I just found out that Billy Mays is dead.

Via facebook.


Why is that lately every time someone dies, the first place I find out about it is not the news, the TV or any form of the media, but facebook?

In other news, I saw "Transformers" the other night. I thought it was good, my husband thought it was bad.

You must know, my husband things "Army of Darkeness" is a good movie. Seriously, he liked bad movies, but when he views something as bad it isn't a bad movie. Does that make sense.

I thought "Transformers" was good for a wide array of reasons. I thought it was funny in the right places, corny in the right places and had some nice explosions.

I've seen a lot of movies as of late. I saw earlier last week "The Proposal" which I also thought was really good. It was funny and touching, and only the ending was sappy. Plus, the guy whose name escapes me at the moment, had really expressive faces which just made the movie. Oh, and the fact the lead female character had a Berkin bag rocked. It was orange. She also had killer shoes. Which I totally noticed and spent the rest of the movie watching for the tell tail red soles.

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