We've had snow on the ground since October.
We do not own a snow blower. We own a shovel. Actually, we don't own it. It came with the house. It's a very nice shovel. Except when you want to shovel. I hate it when I have to shovel.
Our driveway is a slight disaster for a wide array of reasons. Snow, ice, snow, ice, rain, melting snow, the fact we only use one side of it because Suzi hates Alaskan winters. We got a good couple inches these past few days, so I ventured out to shovel.
I thought I'd make the driveway better.
It's worst.
For one, the tire tracks left by the Monstrosity are a combination of frozen snow and ice. I can't shovel them up. They are also growing as the winter continues, so they are pretty much one half of the driveway. I struggled for almost two hours trying to get the driveway shoveled till I gave up. It looked like a disaster area where I attempted to shovel and you still couldn't see blacktop. Also, it was REALLY SLIPPRY.
At least it snowed last night. So now you can't tell I even shoveled. Well, except on the side of the driveway I didn't get to and began new snow piles, as the ones in our driveway are over eight feet high. I can't throw things that high. With the shovel.
In the past few weeks I've also seen people cleaning off their roofs. The guy next door has some sort of special motorized roof shovel to clean it off. No one told me I'd have to worry about shoveling the freaking roof. Pilot Boy thinks it is stupid to shovel the roof.
"Takes away insulation."
So, we still have snow on our roof. All of it. Every layer.
Do I think if I had a snow blower, my attempt to clean the driveway would have gone better?
I can't use a snow blower. Ask my mother.
Your roof can cave in if there is too much snow on it.
I can't get to my roof. It's too tall and I am too short. And the ladder Mom got me doesn't reach higher than the top shelf in the kitchen.
I know, but you might want to tell Pilot Boy that. Reference = B&O Museum collapsed from snow 5 years ago or so. Google it.
I have an Alaskan roof.
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