21 July 2011

My Relationship with Irons

I like to iron. I have since I was a teenager and my mother handed me a stack of linen napkins after a major holiday and said, "IRON THESE AND GET OUT OF MY HAIR!"

OMG. I had so much fun!

When I was in 8th grade till my sophomore year, I ironed ALL MY CLOTHING. I am serious. The iron lived in my room. I ironed on the floor. I ironed shirts, tank tops, pants, skirts, and jeans. (Yes, I ironed my jeans....) This avid ironing lasted till I was 16. I was bad, sometimes I'd iron shirts and pants while I was wearing them. During the time I was 16, the mid-drift top was all the rage. All my tank tops were belly baring tops because that was the only length made. I had this white one, I remember it well. I hated wearing these tops, because at 16 I thought I was horridly fat down there. (Har har har.) Well, one spring morning, I was like, "I'm wearing my Gap outfit!" This outfit consisted of khaki pants, basic white tank top and a denim dress shirt that was short sleeved. After I was dressed and on my way out the door I noticed a huge wrinkle across the bottom of the tank top. I plugged the iron in, ironed out the wrinkled and left.

I barely noticed the fact my stomach hurt. It wasn't until gym 2nd hour did I realize what had happened. I was changing out of my gym suit and my friend Hilary asked, "What the hell is on your stomach?"

I looked down. There was a definite iron mark on my tummy. There were even holes. You could not mistake it for anything except an iron mark.

I had a scar there for years shaped like the edge of the iron.

After this, I stopped my relentless ironing of clothing. I don't remember why, other than I didn't have the time to do it...I also realized if you fold your clothes and put them away they don't get as wrinkled. And jeans...well, they unwrinkled themselves.

I did not have another disastrous run in with the iron until I began sewing when we lived in the Dirt Hole. Usually it was just small burns here and there on my hands. Then they started showing up on my arms. I have several light brown scars on my arms from where I whacked the iron with my bare arm. However, today, I did something really, really stupid.

I burned my whole left hand.

While holding a purse over the hand.

I don't know what the #@%^$ I was thinking. I guess it was like the days I'd iron my clothes while wearing them. But I held the purse on my hand, held up the iron, set the iron on it and steam came flying out of it and I yelped.

I burned my whole hand.

I ran to the bathroom, swearing up a storm and ran my hand under ice cold water till it was numb. Because it was my left hand, I was like MY RING WILL GET SWOLLEN ON MY FINGER! So, I spent ten minutes trying to pry it off. (It is all ready a bit too small. My finger is dis-formed from where its sat on my finger for the past two years unmoved....)

After I accomplished this task, I hurried downstairs and made myself an ice pack and have had it on and off my hand for the past.....six hours. My hand is still red, and some areas are beginning to swell, now that I've taken the cold pack off for the past 20 minutes or so to type this up. I figured since I have to drive somewhere tonight, I ought to get some use of my left hand before I leave. But this is pretty bad, you guys. My whole hand is still burning in pain. And my ring finger looks horrible. I'll have to wait till my hand heals to get my ring re-sized...but now that it's off, I know it needs to be re-sized.

In other news, I didn't get anything done because of my stellar relationship with irons.

I didn't even tell you about curling irons and me....we have an even more checkered past. And I mean checkered. My neck usually.


Anonymous said...

A good way to lose this fat is to combine diet with abdominal exercise. Getting rid of the fat will reveal the ab muscles underneath. If you don't get rid of this layer of fat for good, toning is pointless because you won't be able to see the results.

Spiffy Riki said...

I think we've talked about this, but I totally used to iron my clothes while they were on, too. Until I ended up with a 2-3 inch scar on my chest...

I hope your hand heals quickly!!

ireland scott said...

I knew I wasn't the only person who ironed clothes on!

Hand is working on healing...it's kind of shiny today and only really hurts where my ring was formally located, which could be because of the burn or the emergency ring removal. But my worst fear hasn't come true as of yet: whole hand blister. *crosses fingers*