27 September 2010

Ode to my iPhone

Things I love about having an iPhone:

1. I finally feel "with it."
2. I love that the touch screen works. I have a touch screen on my camera and you have to pound it to get it to do anything. This works with a basic touch.
3. I love that its got a pretty good camera for a phone.
4. I love that its also an iPod at the same time, as I needed a new iPod.
5. I love the speaker on it. Seriously, I can play music anywhere, anytime, any place! I love putting my phone in my back pocket and dancing around the house.
6. I love that is came with earphones. I love Apple earphones because I'm lame.
7. I also love finally having a new Apple product in my life.
8. I never understood the appeal of apps till now. I love finding strange free apps.
9. I love having email, facebook and twitter at my finger tips and not having to lug my laptop all over the place.
10. I love being able to find places in town now. No more driving around lost.

Things that aren't so great about my iPhone....

1. I'm not really with it because its a 3GS phone. The newest version, but still.
2. I hate the camera takes so long to boot up. seriously. I want to take a damn picture NOW. Not in ten minutes.
3. I hate that my dog doesn't respond to the Dog Whistle app. She ignore me.
4. People look at me funny when I have music coming out of my butt.
5. Why can I not change the colors of the text message bubbles? In iChat I could change them, why can't I change them on my iPhone?
6. Why are iPod accessories so damn expensive?
7. Why does the keyboard sometimes go landscape and other times I have to bash it into my hand to get it to move?
8. Why doesn't Etsy have a iPhone friendly website? I hate looking at Etsy on my iPhone. Etsy should talk to PurseBlog.com. They have their shit together (sometimes. Sometimes their mobile website doesn't load right.) Okay, look at Sephora. They have their shit together.
9. I wanted a white iPhone so I could get a clear case and show off the apple. They only had black.
10. Why did you come out with a new shuffle after I just got one? (I hate the shuffle I have. Its kind of dumb. I should have waited a year...)
11. I know number 10 has nothing to do with my iPhone, but I ran out of things to complain about.

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