14 December 2009

Holiday Cheer

I used to work retail when I was in high school. Right after Thanksgiving the Christmas music would start and it would not end till after the new year. I loved Christmas music till I listed to the same loop of songs for two Christmas's. I also hated working during the holiday season and grew to hate Christmas all together. The magic was lost on my 17 year old self.

I did not get it back until later in life. It still is not all back, as I do not enjoy wrapping presents as I once did, nor do I enjoy decorating for Christmas as I once did. I also dread shopping at Christmas time. I seriously dread going to the post office or stores in general.

This is why some relatives fail to get gifts in a timely manner.

This year as seen me making holiday theme purses. I have been up to my eye balls in the holidays since right after Thanksgiving. I should have been before, but I failed. I just could not get myself into the spirit. I actually started making the holiday theme purses before Thanksgiving, but I did not start soon enough. I guess at least next year I can get going before Halloween. I'll be in my own house next year, so I can get in the spirit with music. This year, my mom wasn't too keen on holiday music till after Thanksgiving.

I think I might have screwed up the iTunes installation. I might have to...make new play lists. Oh no. It might be good for me, in reality. I've had the same play lists since I got my first laptop, also known as Jess, when I was 20. I'm six years older now (Oh no!) and don't really need the play lists that are mostly centered around guys leaving me, being depressed or being over zealously happy. The lists are still on Jess, so I might just transfer over the useful ones.

Oh, holidays. I think I am tired of you all ready and you haven't even started yet.

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