28 May 2014

Sweet and Salty Cookies

Carmel Sea Salt & Chocolate Chip Cookies
I've been rather keyed into sea salt carmel lately. I can't remember when the cravings for it began, but I'll blame Starbucks for lack of people to blame. Anyways, I found these nifty carmel bits at Jumbo Foods (local grocer) awhile  back and was like, "Dude, these could be used for cookies."

So, of course I bought them.

And they sat in my cabinet for over a month. How do I know it was more than a month? Well, my daughter is four weeks old and I bought them before she was born. Thus, I've had them for over a month.

So, since I feel like a normal person (kind of) once more, I thought I'd bake some cookies. Whilst my parental units were in town for two weeks, I made cookies, but I didn't use the carmel bits. Since I'm venturing out to be social with people my own age on Friday (and giving Basil Bea a much needed dog play date), I figured I'd try my all time fav cookie recipe and throw the carmel bits in instead of the dark chocolate chips.

Now, for YEARS I've tried every single chocolate chip cookie recipe I've run across. And they all pretty much taste the same to me and usually are kind of a let down after they are no longer fresh from the oven. Well, after we moved into the house and I had a kitchen once more (well, mostly I had all my baking stuff back, as I had a kitchen whilst living in San Antonio, but I digress...), I pulled out the newest recipe I wished to try: Brown Butter & Sea Salt Chocolate Chip Cookies.

I was a little leery of the recipe for two reasons: brown butter and the whole two hours in the fridge.

I mean, what the heck is brown butter?

It's melted butter that's brown and kind of nutty. Does it make a difference in recipes?

Yeah. Trust me.

I think the first time I made them I threw them in the fridge for two hours like the recipe called for, but I didn't really brown the butter properly, but they were still good. (I did not successfully brown butter till I made those doughnuts.) Out of the two recipes I tried out that week, Pilot Boy like the Brown Butter and Sea Salt cookies best.

One would think because we both liked them, this recipe would be my to go. Nope. Why?

The whole putting it in the fridge and brown butter. (Also, it calls for a tablespoon of greek yogurt, which I don't usually have on hand since I made myself sick of it by eating it for a year straight for a meal during my Greek Yogurt Diet phase.)

HOWEVER, in looking for a recipe to make cookies with my carmel bits, I decided to go with this one since it called for sea salt.

And let me tell you, THEY ROCK.

So, here's my adapted recipe if you care: