13 February 2011

Things that made for an interesting weekend...

1. After two days of wearing the same sweater, I discovered it was an x-small size. I stared at it for a long time when I made this discovery, as I haven't worn a x-small since I was in high school, and the sweater was not left over from high school. It made me feel skinny, so I decided it was new favorite sweater.
2. Bark. Bark. Bark. My name is Basil Bea Dog and you will listen to me endlessly bark at nothing.
3. I wore four inch heels to take the trash out. I had forgotten I had put them on when I realized it was five pm and I needed to get the trash out before I forgot. I got to the end of the driveway and though, "Oops. I should have changed my shoes." I almost twisted my knee trying to make my way through two inches of snow on the driveway.
4. It snowed quite a bit this weekend and I don't remember really seeing it snow.
5. I made apple crumble. I then ate it all the next day. I am out of raisins.
6. Suzi's had another recall. Fuel pump and cold temps make for an unhappy Suzi. I am terrified of taking Suzi to the dealer, due from her last encounter with the dealer. But at the same time, I do not want to blow up. Or have Pilot Boy blow up. That'd be bad.
7. I spent over an hour looking for a movie to stream on Netflix. I ended up going to bed because I never found one.
8. I spent all night Friday singing. Kinda like I did a lot of weekend nights my senior year of college. By myself. In my room. Only this time I had Basil Bea staring at me thinking, "God, what is wrong with you? Just go to bed all ready."
9. This weekend I ate an entire bag of Smart Popcorn. If it had been a normal sized bag, this would not be a big deal. It was a family sized bag.
10. I read three books this weekend too. One was so bad, I gave up reading it and just read the end. The other two I read all the way through. Only after I was done with them did I decide I did not like spy novels.

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