25 February 2011

Operation Jeans Day Two

Workout did not occur as early as I wanted because...I....lost...a...button. And had to go to the dentist to get a new one.

Does that sound like an odd sentence? If not, read it again: I lost a button and had to go to the dentist to get a new one.

And by button I mean this little thing that holds my Invisalign braces to my teeth.

Anyways, since I forgot the things I needed to run errands as I ran out the door with my curly, frizzy hair in a pony tail and minimal makeup on, I came back and I did another mile with Leslie. Today went much as it went yesterday. Only I don't feel as...worky outy.

I ate okay yesterday. No snacks and only one oatmeal cookies. Tragically, I think the TARDIS cookie jar makes my cookies...kinda stale soft. Total sad face. :(

Well, that is it for Operation Jeans Day Two.

In other news, they plowed our street so its more than one lane again. The whole things seems so wide...its kind of crazy. I forgot how wide the street was in the first place. And someday, there might be a sidewalk again!

In Purse News: Got some brightly colored denim. Totally excited for bright, spring colors! I almost burst when I came home and was like NOW WHAT DO MAKE! I've been trying to decide if I should break into new designs, but decided to just use the ones I have and just make them cross body. Simple.

Also, thinking about doing a giveaway. With gently used purses, as I don't know what to do with the ones I test out. I have like a million purses that I've used like maybe two or three times at test purses. They are in good shape, but have a small flaw or something. I don't know anyone to give them away to, as they are FINE. Except the one I tired the magnet on the first time. It fell apart. But the one I was carrying these past few weeks has nothing wrong other than the snap is on backwards. I bet no one can tell except me.

Well, there is your news. Come back tomorrow. As it'll look the same (if I remember to update. It will be Saturday...)

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