14 February 2011

I Like Rain

So, its 14 Feb. Last year, I was somewhere in Canada. I have no idea where I was, but I know for a fact we were travelling on this day last year.

Last year my husband gave me a mug for V-day. I didn't give him anything. I told him not to buy me anything, but he NEVER listens.

I liked Valentines day till I got to junior high. In sixth grade there was no making boxes for cards, no party, no requirement to bring little pieces of cardboard to hand out. Thus, by the time I got through 8th grade, Valentines days was just another day as far as I was concerned. No one every gave me a card in junior high. I did not have any friends throughout most of junior high who would think about the silent girl with the glasses and braces. So, I was like, "Whatever."

Once I got to high school, I never once did anything remotely romantic on Valentines day. I don't remember any presents or anything. I kind of thought it was dumb, and it usually made me kind of cranky when everyone was walking around in red, hearts were everywhere and everyone was giggling. This was also why I hated spring with a flaming passion till I was 22. Valentines day began the "spring fever." What is that? It is when people "get together." Everyone holds hands, people make out in the halls, etc. It annoyed me to no end, even when I had a boyfriend. Till I met Pilot Boy and I became one of those people that annoyed me. And TRUST ME, I annoyed myself.

When I was a freshman in college, I had a boyfriend for Valentines days. I didn't really like him any more, and I did not want him to come up, he but was kind of sappy and thought Valentines Day was a big deal. So he showed up and we had a fight and I thought we broke up. I didn't feel upset by the whole breaking up (his throwing things at me upset me more). Anyways, after he finally left, I took a shower, put my face on, and met B, C and M for dinner. I was never in my life so thankful to have friends. I am totally serious. I ended up watching Disney movies all night.

The next time I had a boyfriend for Valentines Day, it was the last day I ever saw him.

When I was a senior in college, I had no boy on the actual V-Day, but someone sent a red ball to my house. Yeah, it was a red rubber ball, that said Happy Valentines Day from You Know Who.

I did not know who. I had no clue. And there was no way to trace it in the least. My mom had seen the balls on a news story the day before and was more than surprised to see a ball arrive at her house for me, while I was at college. She sent me an email to inform me it had arrived. I asked everyone I knew if they had sent it to me (confused on my they would not mail to my box at school). No one knew what the hell I was talking about. When I went home the next time, my mother showed it to me, and I had no clue who had sent it. But my mother and I had a pretty good idea who would do something along these lines.

I made a big point when I met Pilot Boy that I didn't like Valentines Day. I also told him I hated flowers. He kind of stared at me. But, to his credit, he's only given me a flower once that was alive. He gave me a black plastic rose and a plant. Yeah, he gave me a plant when I had my appendix out. And he gave me a rose...I can't remember why. But I remember not being upset in the least when he handed it to me and apologized for giving it to me, but he felt like I needed a rose. I took it home, put it in a vase and it lived FOREVER. I am serious. It lived forever.

I do not think he got me anything when we lived in the Dirt Hole for V-Day, and our first V-Day as a couple he gave me an antique bracelet from WWII that was made for girls who had pilot boyfriend. I wear it daily. I had told him not to buy me anything, as I wanted to go to this fancy restaurant in St. Louis for dinner. So I had not gotten him anything. He woke me up that morning and said, "Do you want your gift now or later?"

So, I ran around town all day trying to find him something. I failed. He got a handmade card and a box of chocolate and I felt like total shit when he handed me the bracelet. Kind of like when he handed me the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee mug while we were in Canada. I was like, God, I suck.

This year, we both got our presents early. I got him a new black backpack and he got me a TARDIS Cookie jar.

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