28 February 2011

Insert Something Here

Operation Jeans Day Three, Four, Five....

Day Three: Woke by Pilot Boy at 4.30. Was talked at by Pilot Boy at 5:20 am as he realized he had gotten up too early and didn't know what to do. Got up. Two hours later, fell asleep to the History Channel International and had strange dreams about moving grain silos and the Di Medici brothers. Woke up at nine am and had issues doing anything productive all day long. Felt like I was in a fog. Fell over.

Day Four: Woke up at nine. Decided not to exercise because I was going to clean house. Three hours later, I decided it was stupid of me to rearrange two rooms that day (guest room and family room). Moving heavy objects was my work out.

Day Five: did 20 minutes and felt very work outy.


I updated.

I've had "Singin' In the Rain" in my head for days. More than likely because its sunny. After I watched the Oscars (the first time since college), I was like, "I'm going to watch Singin' In the Rain because I can." So I watched it and it was brilliant. Except that one part where Gene Kelly dances for like a half hour straight and it really has nothing to do with the movie. But this is a common feature of Gene Kelly movies. I think the worst one was in American in Paris. I seriously fell asleep during the half hour long dance monologue. The one in On The Town also kind of annoying, as it lacked anyone else from the movie and felt kind of odd. The only Gene Kelly Dance Monologue that did not annoy me was in "Summer Stock." It KINDA made sense in that movie. I didn't make it through The Pirate...I bet there was one in there. I mean, I think I made it through, but by the time I watched that one, I think when I realized it was a Gene Kelly Dance Monologue, I'd leave the room. Or go do something.  And For Me and My Gal...I don't think they'd discovered Gene Kelly Dance Monologues yet, as that was his first movie and Judy Garland was the star of that. Not Gene Kelly.

Fred Astaire movies never had these dumb dance monologues either. The dancing in his movies always seemed to FIT. Well, the one movies I actually watched that had Fred Astaire in it...Shall We Dance. I think that is the only movie I watched that had Fred in it last summer when I went through my old movie phase. I tapped Swing Time but I got bored. Like all the movies based off of "classic" books. I died a slow death when I watched Withering Heights. I don't think I made it to the end either. Like....that one with the kid....

Well, I am going to go check on my laundry and then go back to editing away my life.

25 February 2011

Operation Jeans Day Two

Workout did not occur as early as I wanted because...I....lost...a...button. And had to go to the dentist to get a new one.

Does that sound like an odd sentence? If not, read it again: I lost a button and had to go to the dentist to get a new one.

And by button I mean this little thing that holds my Invisalign braces to my teeth.

Anyways, since I forgot the things I needed to run errands as I ran out the door with my curly, frizzy hair in a pony tail and minimal makeup on, I came back and I did another mile with Leslie. Today went much as it went yesterday. Only I don't feel as...worky outy.

I ate okay yesterday. No snacks and only one oatmeal cookies. Tragically, I think the TARDIS cookie jar makes my cookies...kinda stale soft. Total sad face. :(

Well, that is it for Operation Jeans Day Two.

In other news, they plowed our street so its more than one lane again. The whole things seems so wide...its kind of crazy. I forgot how wide the street was in the first place. And someday, there might be a sidewalk again!

In Purse News: Got some brightly colored denim. Totally excited for bright, spring colors! I almost burst when I came home and was like NOW WHAT DO MAKE! I've been trying to decide if I should break into new designs, but decided to just use the ones I have and just make them cross body. Simple.

Also, thinking about doing a giveaway. With gently used purses, as I don't know what to do with the ones I test out. I have like a million purses that I've used like maybe two or three times at test purses. They are in good shape, but have a small flaw or something. I don't know anyone to give them away to, as they are FINE. Except the one I tired the magnet on the first time. It fell apart. But the one I was carrying these past few weeks has nothing wrong other than the snap is on backwards. I bet no one can tell except me.

Well, there is your news. Come back tomorrow. As it'll look the same (if I remember to update. It will be Saturday...)

24 February 2011

Operation Jeans Day One

So, I worked out.

So, GO ME.

I did exactly what I said I was going to do. I can't remember if I said I was going to get up early (I didn't) but I did do the 20 minute, 1 mile walk on Walk Away the Pounds. I used to do this video a lot when I was working. It took 20 minutes and I got a mile in. I'd do it after dinner, before I took my nightly shower. I never felt like I was getting a good work out when I was 22, as I was never winded or sweaty when I was done. My half hour on the elliptical I did when i worked at the bank was better, but after working 8 hour days doing mindless computer work, I couldn't handle getting on the elliptical. So I'd just do this 20 minute walk. It is totally mindless at times. At times it's not because you have to pay attention because you're moving your arms and legs in "non" walking ways.

First, there are side steps. What are those? You step side to side to the beat of the music. Then, the leg lifts, which are like...extreme marching. They really work your butt and abs, but are killer on knees. Especially when you're holding 2 pound weights. (Which I did not do today because 1. I am out of shape and 2. I have no clue where they went when I moved here. I have the 5 pound ones, but those are too heavy.) I like the kick backs the most, which is the side step where you kick your leg backwards. The last thing are kicks, which you just kick forward. I like those too. I like kicking.

By the time I was finished with this 1 mile "walk" I was winded, my heart was beating faster and I was sweaty. Either I had the heat on too high or I am SUPER out of shape. Or it was the fact during the first half mile I couldn't actually breath out of both nostrils as my Zyrtec didn't kick in till after a half mile. I can breathe now, thankyouverymuch.

I feel like I got a good work out. Which is a change from when I used to do this video. I will do it again tomorrow. Because, I said three days this week and there are only two days left this week. Oops.

Now, in order to loose my middle, I also need to alter my diet. I'm not good at this, I admit. I've tried "eating healthy." I have tried counting calories. I have tried eating only at meals. I've tried eating small meals five times a day. None of that worked. Counting calories drove me nuts. And I began to cheat. I also cheat when I write down what I eat daily. The only thing that really "worked" was when I did the "yoga diet" over the summer.

What was this?

I bought this book called the "yoga diet." Which told you to eat two large meals and one smaller one. Eat around the same time each day and drink warm water. And do yoga. It also gave recipes and basically said to eat organic.

I didn't do the organic part. I couldn't find half the thing listed in the book for the recipes, but I worked with what I had. This was how I learned to make Thai Pad. My own way. I ate that a lot over the summer. I tried to eat smaller meals and not stack on high sugar items. I also never bought these things or juice. I had orange juice, but that was all I drank. I also drank soy milk for most of the summer, till I decided I hated it, and went to Oragnic Milk, which DOES taste different than Regular milk.

Then Pilot Boy came home and my whole diet went to pot. Why? He likes snacks. He buys them. He likes meat. He makes the dinner because he thought I was weird. He also makes fun of me for drinking hot water (that habit stuck. I LIKE IT.) And he drinks too much OJ and milk to buy organic stuff. Seriously, he like inhales OJ. So, when he came home, I began counting calories. That lasted till the holidays when I just gave up.

My problem also is that I like baking. I love cookies. I love crumbles, and I love cake. And I like making these items. On the yoga diet, I made a lot of crumbles and I tried to make pancakes. (They were HORRIBLE.) When I was counting calories, I did an extra lot of stair climbing to burn off my goodies.

I also love cheese.

Anyways, I have yet to decide what I am going to do for the whole "diet" part of this Operation Jeans. I'm pretty good at eating three meals a day. I'm pretty good if I am busy not snacking. I'm bad at eating meals at the same time daily. Very bad. I also tend to not eat dinner...when Pilot Boy is gone. Because I kind of just give up by the end of the day because....I hate cooking. Mostly because when you cook, you use pans and unlike mixing bowls, those cannot be tossed in the dish washer.

I will drink warm water. And I will try to eat more veggies and fruits (I'm very bad at this. Mostly because I don't like many veggies and I don't like buying fruit. I don't know why. I just hate buying fruit.) Maybe this will help? Balanced meals? I suck at those too.

Well, need to do something besides walk one mile, sit through an earthquake and have a dream where all these snow melted over night.

23 February 2011

Loud and Clear Jeans, I HEAR YOU.

Hey. I have been here a year.

And once again, I'm ten pounds heavier.

So, all the weight I managed to shed this summer returned. Blast you winter hibernation.....

So, once again, I am standing here wondering why none of my jeans fit right. Damn jeans. Why can't you just grow along with me?

I do not want to buy  new jeans. I hate buying new jeans. Or anything for my bottom half. I like shirts. And shoes. Oh, those go on your bottom half. Well, I like shoes and socks, but anything between my waist and my ankles, I dislike buying things for. Hence why I have a billion shirts. And shoes.

Handbags always fit. That is why I make them. They always fit.

Anyways, since I hate the gym here with a flaming passion, I can't run to save my life (seriously, if I had to run to save my life, I'd die. Because I cannot run), and it is always cold and no one plows around here, I think I'll have to start doing those Walk Away The Pound DVDs my mom gave to me because she didn't like them. The only downside to them, the last time I religiously used them (Before I got married), my knees always hurt. Between walking two miles a day to the court hours (YAY CONRAD!) and then walking away the pounds at night, my knees were killing me. Then I bought new shoes that were too small (DAMN YOU NIKE!). Anyways, I have good shoes now...my knees haven't hurt when I do workout here, so I guess they still have some way to go...

Why am I telling you this? Because, I am going to try something new to maybe keep myself going. Every day I manage to work out, I'm totally going to post and tell you. If I fail to do this at least three times a week, please yell at me. Because while I hate gyms, if I work out with others, I am more apt to do it. (Like in college! E made me go. Someone was COUNTING on me. I think I was simply broken in the Dirt Hole when I managed to go to the gym three days a week.)  So, tomorrow, I plan to put my fancy work out clothes on and Walk Away The Pounds for one mile (20 minutes). We'll work up from there because....I....am....out...of...shape. But at least sometimes I can breathe.

Goals: Fit into Jeans Right. There that is my goal. No weight goal, just FIT INTO JEANS goal. Well, I can fit into them, I just can't breathe properly for the first hour they are on my butt. My goal is to fit into jeans. Or pants. I do wear other things other than jeans. My mini skirts are still fit...and might not be too big...I haven't worn them in awhile. IT IS COLD. It needs to be at least 30 to wear a mini skirt.

So GO! (You can workout too. And then tell me if you want. Or not. BUT I AM TELLING YOU.)

14 February 2011

I Like Rain

So, its 14 Feb. Last year, I was somewhere in Canada. I have no idea where I was, but I know for a fact we were travelling on this day last year.

Last year my husband gave me a mug for V-day. I didn't give him anything. I told him not to buy me anything, but he NEVER listens.

I liked Valentines day till I got to junior high. In sixth grade there was no making boxes for cards, no party, no requirement to bring little pieces of cardboard to hand out. Thus, by the time I got through 8th grade, Valentines days was just another day as far as I was concerned. No one every gave me a card in junior high. I did not have any friends throughout most of junior high who would think about the silent girl with the glasses and braces. So, I was like, "Whatever."

Once I got to high school, I never once did anything remotely romantic on Valentines day. I don't remember any presents or anything. I kind of thought it was dumb, and it usually made me kind of cranky when everyone was walking around in red, hearts were everywhere and everyone was giggling. This was also why I hated spring with a flaming passion till I was 22. Valentines day began the "spring fever." What is that? It is when people "get together." Everyone holds hands, people make out in the halls, etc. It annoyed me to no end, even when I had a boyfriend. Till I met Pilot Boy and I became one of those people that annoyed me. And TRUST ME, I annoyed myself.

When I was a freshman in college, I had a boyfriend for Valentines days. I didn't really like him any more, and I did not want him to come up, he but was kind of sappy and thought Valentines Day was a big deal. So he showed up and we had a fight and I thought we broke up. I didn't feel upset by the whole breaking up (his throwing things at me upset me more). Anyways, after he finally left, I took a shower, put my face on, and met B, C and M for dinner. I was never in my life so thankful to have friends. I am totally serious. I ended up watching Disney movies all night.

The next time I had a boyfriend for Valentines Day, it was the last day I ever saw him.

When I was a senior in college, I had no boy on the actual V-Day, but someone sent a red ball to my house. Yeah, it was a red rubber ball, that said Happy Valentines Day from You Know Who.

I did not know who. I had no clue. And there was no way to trace it in the least. My mom had seen the balls on a news story the day before and was more than surprised to see a ball arrive at her house for me, while I was at college. She sent me an email to inform me it had arrived. I asked everyone I knew if they had sent it to me (confused on my they would not mail to my box at school). No one knew what the hell I was talking about. When I went home the next time, my mother showed it to me, and I had no clue who had sent it. But my mother and I had a pretty good idea who would do something along these lines.

I made a big point when I met Pilot Boy that I didn't like Valentines Day. I also told him I hated flowers. He kind of stared at me. But, to his credit, he's only given me a flower once that was alive. He gave me a black plastic rose and a plant. Yeah, he gave me a plant when I had my appendix out. And he gave me a rose...I can't remember why. But I remember not being upset in the least when he handed it to me and apologized for giving it to me, but he felt like I needed a rose. I took it home, put it in a vase and it lived FOREVER. I am serious. It lived forever.

I do not think he got me anything when we lived in the Dirt Hole for V-Day, and our first V-Day as a couple he gave me an antique bracelet from WWII that was made for girls who had pilot boyfriend. I wear it daily. I had told him not to buy me anything, as I wanted to go to this fancy restaurant in St. Louis for dinner. So I had not gotten him anything. He woke me up that morning and said, "Do you want your gift now or later?"

So, I ran around town all day trying to find him something. I failed. He got a handmade card and a box of chocolate and I felt like total shit when he handed me the bracelet. Kind of like when he handed me the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee mug while we were in Canada. I was like, God, I suck.

This year, we both got our presents early. I got him a new black backpack and he got me a TARDIS Cookie jar.

13 February 2011

Things that made for an interesting weekend...

1. After two days of wearing the same sweater, I discovered it was an x-small size. I stared at it for a long time when I made this discovery, as I haven't worn a x-small since I was in high school, and the sweater was not left over from high school. It made me feel skinny, so I decided it was new favorite sweater.
2. Bark. Bark. Bark. My name is Basil Bea Dog and you will listen to me endlessly bark at nothing.
3. I wore four inch heels to take the trash out. I had forgotten I had put them on when I realized it was five pm and I needed to get the trash out before I forgot. I got to the end of the driveway and though, "Oops. I should have changed my shoes." I almost twisted my knee trying to make my way through two inches of snow on the driveway.
4. It snowed quite a bit this weekend and I don't remember really seeing it snow.
5. I made apple crumble. I then ate it all the next day. I am out of raisins.
6. Suzi's had another recall. Fuel pump and cold temps make for an unhappy Suzi. I am terrified of taking Suzi to the dealer, due from her last encounter with the dealer. But at the same time, I do not want to blow up. Or have Pilot Boy blow up. That'd be bad.
7. I spent over an hour looking for a movie to stream on Netflix. I ended up going to bed because I never found one.
8. I spent all night Friday singing. Kinda like I did a lot of weekend nights my senior year of college. By myself. In my room. Only this time I had Basil Bea staring at me thinking, "God, what is wrong with you? Just go to bed all ready."
9. This weekend I ate an entire bag of Smart Popcorn. If it had been a normal sized bag, this would not be a big deal. It was a family sized bag.
10. I read three books this weekend too. One was so bad, I gave up reading it and just read the end. The other two I read all the way through. Only after I was done with them did I decide I did not like spy novels.

09 February 2011

Things I Wish Would Magically Happen...

1. I could spell.
2. I'd get an agent.
3. I'd write something that made sense to more than just me.
4. I had a TARDIS.
5. I'd be able to go to the gym without actually having to drive there.
6. I would like to go running.
7. The dishes would wash themselves.
8. The vacuum would turn into a Dyson.
9. Basil would stop shedding.
10. I no longer had sinus headaches.

None of those things will magically happen.

I was going to take a video of the noise my new TARDIS cookie jar makes, but Pilot Boy ran off with the camcorder. I don't remember why, as he never takes pictures of anything.

03 February 2011

Penguin Leaping Off the Edge

Many moons ago, my husband was informed that his brain was an iceberg filled with penguins. Each penguin stands for some sort of memory or knowledge. As you cram more penguins on the iceberg, some will fall off. This is why you forget things like anniversaries, birthdays, where you were five minutes ago, why you were going upstairs, where the dog food went, what you planned to eat for dinner, etc.

I thought this was a good analogy when I was told it the first time. Over time, I have come to maintain that certain people loose certain types of Penguins. For instance, Pilot Boy looses Event Penguins.  Pilot Boy always remembers anniversaries, holidays, birthdays, etc. He's good with dates and numbers. He is bad at keeping memories of events that occur to him. For instance, the other day, he decided he wanted to make chocolate covered bananas. He asked me how to melt the chocolate, so I was over there helping him and made some comment about the time Jeb made chocolate covered strawberries.

"Huh?" Pilot Boy asked.
"When you were in college. Jeb made them for JB," I said. "Remember?"
"No," he said.

He went about trying to dip the pieces of banana and then commented that it was hard. I then asked, "Did we ever drip strawberries?"
"I don't know. Isn't that something you did with Jeb?" he asked, joking.
"No. You've never left me alone with Jeb. Oh, wait. You did when you went to work," I commented.
He stared at me blankly for a moment.
"You went to work while Jeb and JB were still at our apartment? When they came to visit us in St. Louis?"
He stared at me blankly. "They came to visit us in St. Louis?"
"Yes. How could you forget it? I mean, they didn't venture out during a thunderstorm to go to Steak and Shake like SE and DE," I commented.
He still stared at me blankly. "Jeb and JB came to visit us?"

The event of Jeb and JB coming to visit us was an Event Penguin that leaped off the iceberg. This has occurred in the course of my relationship with Pilot Boy several times. He remembers meeting me, but doesn't remember what we did. He doesn't remember random things that I always remember. He doesn't remember doing certain things, going places, etc. Those Penguins aren't as important as how to land without any engines or the many detailed other things he remembers. (Which is good. I don't want him to die because he can't remember what the green button does while he does remember going to the lake and how Basil fell down the hill because she was wearing a life vest and she hadn't figure out how to walk in it.)

Pilot Boy remembers how to do complicated math. He remembers things about how to fix things and make things.

These are the sort of Penguins I lose: Educational Penguins.

I learned when I subbed in the dirt hole, I had no clue how to do 7th grade math. I stared at it for the longest time and it seriously looked like Greek to me. I had no clue what to do with it. They kept asking me, and I was like, "OMG. I graduated from college and I have no clue what the hell this is?!"

Same thing happened after I took geology. When my dad and I were in Colorado, he kept asking me these questions about rocks, which in all honesty I should have been able to answer, but those Penguins had jumped the boat a long time ago to make room for what I was wearing when on my 21st birthday (Abercrombie orange turtleneck sweater I got when I was a senior in high school, the pants I got from the Salvation Army my freshman year of college, and my Skechers Bowling style shoes I got to wear while in Scotland. I also wore my hair curly that day).

I remember useless information. I remember what shoes people wore, what handbags they were carrying, what sort of jeans they had on. I remember random events and am able to recall them in great detail. I do not remember how to add and subtract in my head, I do not remember what the hell I learned in geology (at all, I can't remember anything so don't ask) and I do not remember most of what I learned in high school. And I cannot remember 7th grade math. For the life of me, I cannot remember the answer to all the airplane questions I asked D that he answered in great detail for me that Pilot Boy would never answer (maybe because he knew I'd never remember because I'd rather remember what P wore when she ran in that crazy race two springs ago).

Luckily the things I cannot remember, my husband remembers and the Penguins he pushes off the iceberg I remember for him. So together, we remember pretty much everything.